12 Revision History
Changes from Revision D (June 2020) to Revision E (June 2024)
- ドキュメント全体にわたって表、図、相互参照の採番方法を更新Go
- 「特長」セクションから 5ns の最大遅延マッチングを削除Go
- 伝搬遅延の標準値を 19ns から 33ns に変更Go
- 10ns の最小パルス幅を 20ns に変更Go
- 動作温度範囲を接合部温度範囲に変更Go
- CMTI 仕様を 100V/ns から 125V/ns に変更Go
- サージ耐性の値を 12.8kV から 10kV に変更Go
- 「5ns 未満の入力パルスとノイズ過渡を除去」を削除Go
- 「特長」の HBM および CDM ESD 分類レベルを削除Go
- 安全認証を最新の規格に更新Go
- 新しい仕様値に合わせて「概要」セクションを更新Go
- Updated DT pin description to recommend ≤1nF capacitor on DT
- Changed DT pin Min resistor recommendations from 500Ω to
- Updated ESD spec from HBM = ±4000 and CDM = ±1500 to HBM = ±2000 and CDM = ±1000 to match ESD industry standardsGo
- Deleted ambient temperature specGo
- Changed Max junction temp to 150CGo
- Updated values from RθJA = 67.3°C/W, RθJC(top) = 34.4°C/W, RθJB = 32.1°C/W, ψJT = 18°C/W, ψJB = 31.6°C/W to RθJA = 69.8°C/W, RθJC(top) = 33.1°C/W, RθJB = 36.9°C/W, ψJT = 22.2°C/W, ψJB = 36°C/WGo
- Updated values from PD = 1.05W, PDI = 0.05W, PDA/PDB = 0.5W to PD = 950mW, PDI = 50mW, PDA/PDB = 450mWGo
- Updated values from DTI = >21mm, VIOSM = 8000VPK to DTI = >17mm, VIOSM = 10000VPK and added VIMP = 7692VPKGo
- Deleted safety related certifications sectionGo
- Updated values from IS = 75mA/36mA, PS = 50mW/900mW/900mW/1850mW to IS = 58mA/34mA, PS = 50mW/870mW/870mW/1790mW Go
- Updated IVDDA/IVDDB quiescent current spec Max value from 1.8mA to 2.5mAGo
- Updated IVCCI operating current Typ value from 2.0mA to 3.0mA and added Max value 3.5mAGo
- Added IVDDA/IVDDB operating current Max = 4.2mAGo
- Updated values from Rising threshold Min = 8.3V, Typ = 8.7V, Max = 9.2V to Min = 7.7V, Typ = 8.5V, Max = 8.9V Go
- Updated values from Falling threshold Min = 7.8V, Typ = 8.2V, Max = 8.7V to Min = 7.2V, Typ = 7.9V, Max = 8.4V Go
- Updated 8-V UVLO hysteresis typ = 0.5V to 0.6VGo
- Updated Input high threshold Min value from 1.6V to 1.2VGo
- Deadtime parameter broken to a its own table and added more parametersGo
- Changed propagation delay TPDHL and TPDLH from Typ = 19ns, Max = 30ns to Typ = 33ns, Max = 45ns and adding Min = 26nsGo
- Changed propagation delay matching from Max = 5ns to Max = 6.5ns from TJ = -40C to -10C and Max = 5ns from TJ = -10C to 150CGo
- Added VCCI power up delay Go
- Updated VDDA/VDDB power-up delay from Max = 100us to 10us Go
- Updated CMTI from Min = 100V/ns to 125V/nsGo
- Updated insulation curves to match updated
- Updated typical characteristics figuresGo
- Updated Power-up UVLO Delay to OUTPUT section to match device
electrical characteristics Go
- Changed the Functional Block Diagram to add deglitch filter
- Added paragraph on minimum pulse width to Output Stage
- Updated DT Pin Connected to a Programming Resistor Between DT and
GND Pins section to recommend <1nF capacitor on DT pin. Go
- Updated typical schematic DT pin capacitor recommendation Go
- Updated Dead Time Setting Guidelines section to recommend <1nF
capacitor on DT pin. Go
Changes from Revision C (March 2020) to Revision D (June 2020)
Changes from Revision B (July 2018) to Revision C (March 2020)
- Changed DT pin description Go
- Changed DT pin configuration
recommendations Go
- Added update to bootstrap circuit recommendations Go
- Added update to gate resistor selection recommendations Go
- Added gate to source resistor recommendation Go
- Added update to Cboot selection recommendations Go
Changes from Revision A (May 2018) to Revision B (July 2018)
- UCC21520A-Q1 事前情報のマーケティング
- Added detailed description for DISABLE Pin and DT
- Added feature descriptions for UVLO delay to OUTPUT Go
- Added bullet "It is recommended..." bullet to the component placement in the Layout Guidelines. Go
Changes from Revision * (October 2017) to Revision A (May 2018)
- このデータシートに UCC21520A-Q1 デバイス (5V UVLO オプション) を追加Go
- UCC21520A-Q1
- Added typical curves of 5-V UVLO hysteresis and ON-OFF thresholdsGo