JAJSIT4B March 2020 – May 2022 UCC27284-Q1
As mentioned in previous sections, high power high switching frequency power supplies are inherently noisy. High dV/dt and dI/dt in the circuit can cause negative voltage on different pins such as HO, LO, and HS. The device tolerates negative voltage on all of these pins as mentioned in specification tables. If parasitic elements of the circuit cause very large negative swings, circuit might require additional protection. In such cases fast acting and low leakage type Schottky diode should be used. This diode must be placed as close to the gate driver device pin as possible for it to be effective in clamping excessive negative voltage on the gate driver device pin. To avoid the possibility of driver device damage due to over-voltage on its output pins or supply pins, low leakage Zener diode can be used. A 15-V Zener diode is often sufficient to clamp the voltage below the maximum recommended value of 16 V.