SLUSBD0E June 2013 – December 2014 UCC27527 , UCC27528
The UCC27528 is a dual noninverting driver. UCC27527 features a dual input design which offers flexibility of both inverting (IN– pin) and non-inverting (IN+ pin) configuration for each channel. Either IN+ or IN– pin can be used to control the state of the driver output. The unused input pin can be used for enable and disable functions. For safety purpose, internal pullup and pulldown resistors on the input pins of all the devices in UCC2752x family to ensure that outputs are held low when input pins are in floating condition. UCC27528 features Enable pins (ENA and ENB) to have better control of the operation of the driver applications. The pins are internally pulled up to VDD for active high logic and can be left open for standard operation.