DLPU041G April 2016 – July 2024 DLPC230-Q1 , DLPC230S-Q1
The diagnostic interface provides access to a 64-byte memory that is updated by the DLPC230-Q1 main application during operation. This diagnostic memory information is intended to summarize operation and to allow the monitoring host to independently check operation of the system and the primary host controller.
The diagnostic memory is accessed through a separate port that is independent of the host command interface. The communication protocol for this interface is either I2C or SPI, and will always be the protocol that is not selected for use by the host command interface. The protocol selection is determined by the state of the HOST_IF_SEL hardware signal at power-up. Communication requests to the diagnostic interface to access and clear the memory contents are handled entirely by DLPC230-Q1 hardware. The values set in the memory are updated by the DLPC230-Q1 main application software. The diagnostic interface commands are described in Chapter 9. Read and write protocols are identical to the host command interface.
The following commands are used for the diagnostic memory interface:
The diagnostic memory contents may also be read through the host command interface by requesting the data from the DLPC230-Q1 main application software. Note that the host command interface has no command to clear the diagnostic memory. This memory may only be cleared through the dedicated diagnostic interface.
Table 6-2 defines the diagnostic memory content.
0 | Operating Mode 0x0: Reserved for clear 0x1: Main application - Standby 0x2: Main application - Display 0x3: Main application - Calibration | Mode change | No |
2:1 | Software Activity Counter Incrementing counter to confirm that the main application is still active. 0-65535, rolls over to 0. | Approximately 16ms | No |
3 | TPS99000-Q1 State 0 - 7: Off 8: Standby 9 - 11: Powering DMD 12: Display Ready 13: Display On 14 - 17: Parking | State change | No |
4 | Last Reset Cause 0x0: Power Cycle 0x1: PROJ_ON 0x2: TPS99000-Q1 Watchdog Software Error 0x3: TPS99000-Q1 Watchdog Sequence Error 0x4: TPS99000-Q1 Die Temperature Exceeded 0x5: Software commanded power cycle 0x7: Host commanded reset 0x8: Software commanded DLPC230-Q1-only reset 0x9 - 0xFF: Reserved | Software initialization | No |
10:5 | Reserved | ||
11 | Error History Count Number of errors received since the error history was last cleared through the host command interface. Note that clearing this diagnostic byte will not reset the count. Clearing this diagnostic byte will only set the value to 0 until the value is re-written by the main application. | On error | No |
13:12 | Last Error Code Latest error code that has occurred. Refer to Section A.2 for error code descriptions. Bits 15:12 - Unused Bits 11:0 - Error code. | On error | No |
14 | ECC Error Count Number of single-bit or multi-bit ECC errors received since the last system reset. | On error | No |
15 | Emergency Shutdown 0x0: No emergency shutdown has occurred 0x1: Emergency shutdown has occurred | On error | No |
19:16 | Reserved | ||
23:20 | External Video Checksum Result Last calculated external video checksum. | Per frame | No |
24 | Average Picture Level Result Last calculated average picture level. | Per frame | No |
25 | Source Type Bit 3
Bits 2:0
| Source change | No |
27:26 | External Source - Total Pixels Per Line Set to 0 while splash or test pattern are in use. | Source change | No |
29:28 | External Source - Total Lines Per Frame Set to 0 while splash or test pattern are in use. | Source change | No |
31:30 | External Source - Active Pixels Per Line Set to 0 while splash or test pattern are in use. | Source change | No |
33:32 | External Source - Active Lines Per Frame Set to 0 while splash or test pattern are in use. | Source change | No |
35:34 | Sequence Maximum Temperature Maximum sequence temperature that is currently being enforced. Bits 15:8 - Two's complement integer portion of temperature in Celsius Bits 7:4 - 1/16 Celsius steps always added to the integer portion. Note that this fraction is still added even if the integer portion is negative. Bits 3:0 - Unused | Per frame | No |
37:36 | Reserved | ||
39:38 | DMD Filtered Temperature Bits 15:8 - Two's complement integer portion of temperature in Celsius Bits 7:4 - 1/16 Celsius steps always added to the integer portion. Note that this fraction is still added even if the integer portion is negative. Bits 3:0 - Unused | Temperature read
Approximately 125ms | No |
41:40 | TMP411 Local Filtered Temperature Bits 15:8 - Two's complement integer portion of temperature in Celsius Bits 7:4 - 1/16 Celsius steps always added to the integer portion. Note that this fraction is still added even if the integer portion is negative. Bits 3:0 - Unused | Temperature read
Approximately 125ms | No |
43:42 | DMD VBIAS ADC Value Bits 15:0 - Two's complement integer format. 1mV scale. | Per frame | No |
45:44 | DMD VRESET ADC Value Bits 15:0 - Two's complement integer format. 1mV scale. | Per frame | No |
47:46 | DMD VOFFSET ADC Value Bits 15:0 - Two's complement integer format. 1mV scale. | Per frame | No |
53:48 | Reserved | ||
55:54 | Dimming Level Last received dimming level | Dimming command | No |
64:56 | Reserved |