DLPU041G April 2016 – July 2024 DLPC230-Q1 , DLPC230S-Q1
A command tag is required to be sent with each command in order to track command execution. The host command interface should only use a specific subset of the available byte values as shown in Table 3-18. Other values are reserved for other system usages, such as commands that are executed from batch command sets stored in flash.
During typical usage, the host should increment the tags from 01h through CFh for each command sent and then loop back to 01h. This provides a unique identifying value for the command transaction so that the host can verify whether the command has completed.
Reserved | 00h | Default value at system initialization and when the Short Status is cleared. |
Host | 01h - CFh | Host command interface |
Batch Command Set | D0h - DFh | Batch command set from flash. These are automatically determined by embedded software. |
Diagnostic Interface | E0h - EFh | Diagnostic read-only host interface |
Reserved | F0h - FEh | Reserved |
Null Tag Response in Short Status | FFh | Tag unknown or corrupted. Should not be used by host. |