DLPU048E August 2016 – July 2024
This command is used to read the CRC values for all of the flash blocks stored in flash memory. These CRC values are used by the DLPC230-Q1 software to verify the contents of the flash blocks, but they can also be used as a tracking identifier for flash content. The expected CRC values for the flash data can be found in the flash header file that is delivered along with the flash data.
The return data length is variable based on the number of flash blocks. For each flash block, the command will return eight bytes of data. The number of flash blocks can be determined using the Flash Block Count command.
Command Parameters
No command parameters.
Return Parameters
4:1 | 31:0 | Flash Block 1 Identifier 7-bit ASCII code identifier of the flash block LSByte = Byte 1 |
8:5 | 31:0 | Flash Block 1 CRC CRC value of the flash block LSByte = Byte 5 |
9:n | Flash Block Identifier and CRC for remaining blocks Each block receives 8 bytes for identifier and CRC. These bytes are in the same format as bytes 8:1 for Flash Block 1. |