DLPU116 November   2024 DLPC3420


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 System Overview
    2. 1.2 Software Overview
      1. 1.2.1 I2C Overview
      2. 1.2.2 I2C Transactions
      3. 1.2.3 Data Flow Control
    3. 1.3 Related Documentation
  5. 2System Initialization
    1. 2.1 Boot ROM
    2. 2.2 Device Startup
  6. 3I2C Commands
    1. 3.1 General Operation
      1. 3.1.1  Write Input Source Select (05h)
        1. Write Parameters
      2. 3.1.2  Read Input Source Select (06h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      3. 3.1.3  Write External Video Source Format Select (07h)
        1. Write Parameters
      4. 3.1.4  Read External Video Source Format Select (08h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      5. 3.1.5  Write External Video Chroma Processing Select (09h)
        1. Write Parameters
      6. 3.1.6  Read External Video Chroma Processing Select (0Ah)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      7. 3.1.7  Write Test Pattern Select (0Bh)
        1. Write Parameters
      8. 3.1.8  Read Test Pattern Select (0Ch)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      9. 3.1.9  Write Splash Screen Select (0Dh)
        1. Write Parameters
      10. 3.1.10 Read Splash Screen Select (0Eh)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      11. 3.1.11 Read Splash Screen Header (0Fh)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      12. 3.1.12 Write Image Crop (10h)
        1. Write Parameters
      13. 3.1.13 Read Image Crop (11h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      14. 3.1.14 Write Display Image Orientation (14h)
        1. Write Parameters
      15. 3.1.15 Read Display Image Orientation (15h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      16. 3.1.16 Write Display Image Curtain (16h)
        1. Write Parameters
      17. 3.1.17 Read Display Image Curtain (17h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      18. 3.1.18 Write Image Freeze (1Ah)
        1. Write Parameters
        2. Use of Image Freeze to Reduce On-Screen Artifacts
      19. 3.1.19 Read Image Freeze (1Bh)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      20. 3.1.20 Write Look Select (22h)
        1. Write Parameters
      21. 3.1.21 Read Look Select (23h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      22. 3.1.22 Read Sequence Header Attributes (26h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      23. 3.1.23 Write Degamma/CMT Select (27h)
        1. Write Parameters
      24. 3.1.24 Read Degamma/CMT Select (28h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      25. 3.1.25 Write CCA Select (29h)
        1. Write Parameters
      26. 3.1.26 Read CCA Select (2Ah)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      27. 3.1.27 Write Execute Flash Batch File (2Dh)
        1. Write Parameters
      28. 3.1.28 Write Splash Screen Execute (35h)
        1. Write Parameters
      29. 3.1.29 Write Mirror Lock Control (39h)
        1. Write Parameters
      30. 3.1.30 Read Mirror Lock Control (3Ah)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
    2. 3.2 Illumination Control
      1. 3.2.1  Write LED Output Control Method (50h)
        1. Write Parameters
      2. 3.2.2  Read LED Output Control Method (51h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      3. 3.2.3  Write RGB LED Enable (52h)
        1. Write Parameters
      4. 3.2.4  Read RGB LED Enable (53h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      5. 3.2.5  Write RGB LED Current (54h)
        1. Write Parameters
      6. 3.2.6  Read RGB LED Current (55h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      7. 3.2.7  Read CAIC LED Max Available Power (57h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      8. 3.2.8  Write RGB LED Max Current (5Ch)
        1. Write Parameters
      9. 3.2.9  Read RGB LED Max Current (5Dh)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      10. 3.2.10 Read CAIC RGB LED Current (5Fh)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
    3. 3.3 Image Processing Control
      1. 3.3.1 Write CAIC Image Processing Control (84h)
        1. Write Parameters
      2. 3.3.2 Read CAIC Image Processing Control (85h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      3. 3.3.3 Write Color Coordinate Adjustment Control (86h)
        1. Write Parameters
      4. 3.3.4 Read Color Coordinate Adjustment Control (87h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      5. 3.3.5 Write Keystone Correction Control (88h)
        1. Write Parameters
      6. 3.3.6 Read Keystone Correction Control (89h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
    4. 3.4 General Setup
      1. 3.4.1 Write Parallel Interface Sync Polarity (B6h)
        1. Write Parameters
      2. 3.4.2 Read Parallel Interface Sync Polarity (B7h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      3. 3.4.3 Read Auto Framing Information (BAh)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      4. 3.4.4 Write Keystone Projection Pitch Angle (BBh)
        1. Write Parameters
      5. 3.4.5 Read Keystone Projection Pitch Angle (BCh)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
    5. 3.5 DSI Commands
      1. 3.5.1 Write DSI HS Clock (BDh)
        1. Write Parameters
      2. 3.5.2 Read DSI HS Clock (BEh)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      3. 3.5.3 Write DSI Port Enable (D7h)
        1. Write Parameters
      4. 3.5.4 Read DSI Port Enable (D8h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
    6. 3.6 Administrative Commands
      1. 3.6.1 Read Short Status (D0h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      2. 3.6.2 Read System Status (D1h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      3. 3.6.3 Read System Software Version (D2h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      4. 3.6.4 Read Communication Status (D3h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      5. 3.6.5 Read Controller Device ID (D4h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      6. 3.6.6 Read DMD Device ID (D5h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      7. 3.6.7 Read Flash Build Version (D9h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      8. 3.6.8 Read DMD I/F Training Data (DCh)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
    7. 3.7 Flash Update Commands
      1. 3.7.1 Read Flash Update Precheck (DDh)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      2. 3.7.2 Write Flash Data Type Select (DEh)
        1. Write Parameters
      3. 3.7.3 Write Flash Data Length (DFh)
        1. Write Parameters
      4. 3.7.4 Write Erase Flash Data (E0h)
        1. Write Parameters
      5. 3.7.5 Write Flash Start (E1h)
        1. Write Parameters
      6. 3.7.6 Write Flash Continue (E2h)
        1. Write Parameters
      7. 3.7.7 Read Flash Start (E3h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
      8. 3.7.8 Read Flash Continue (E4h)
        1. Read Parameters
        2. Return Parameters
  7. 4Revision History

Write Parameters

Table 3-10 describes the write parameters.

Table 3-10 Write Parameters
Parameter BytesDescription
Byte 1TPG pattern select
Byte 2Foreground and background color (see Table 3-13)
Byte 3Parameter 1 (see Table 3-14)
Byte 4Parameter 2 (see Table 3-14)
Byte 5Parameter 3 (see Table 3-14)
Byte 6Parameter 4 (see Table 3-14)
Table 3-11 Byte 1 Write Parameter

Test pattern border:

  • 00h: Disabled
  • 01h: Enabled

b(3:0)Left pattern select:
  • 00h: Solid field
  • 01h: Fixed step horizontal ramp
  • 02h: Fixed step vertical ramp
  • 03h: Horizontal lines
  • 04h: Diagonal lines
  • 05h: Vertical lines
  • 06h: Horizontal and vertical grid
  • 07h: Checkerboard
  • 08h: Color bars
  • 09h-0Fh: Reserved
Table 3-12 Byte 2 Write Parameter


b(6:4)Foreground color:
  • 0h: Black
  • 1h: Red
  • 2h: Green
  • 3h: Blue
  • 4h: Cyan
  • 5h: Magenta
  • 6h: Yellow
  • 7h: White
b(2:0)Background color:
  • 0h: Black
  • 1h: Red
  • 2h: Green
  • 3h: Blue
  • 4h: Cyan
  • 5h: Magenta
  • 6h: Yellow
  • 7h: White
Table 3-13 Foreground and Background Color Use
PatternByte 2
Foreground ColorBackground Color
Solid fieldYesNo
Fixed step horizontal rampYesNo
Fixed step vertical rampYesNo
Horizontal linesYesYes
Vertical linesYesYes
Diagonal linesYesYes
Grid linesYesYes
Color barsNoNo
Table 3-14 Descriptions and Bit Assignments for Parameters 1-4
PatternByte 6 (Parameter 4)Byte 5 (Parameter 3)Byte 4 (Parameter 2)Byte 3 (Parameter 1)
Solid fieldN/AN/AN/AN/A
Fixed step horizontal rampN/AN/AEnd value8Start value8
Fixed step vertical rampN/AN/AEnd value8Start value8
Horizontal linesN/AN/ABackground line width8Foreground line width8
Vertical linesN/AN/ABackground line width8Foreground line width8
Diagonal linesN/AN/AVertical spacing8Horizontal spacing8
Grid linesVertical background line width8Vertical foreground line width8Horizontal background line width8Horizontal foreground line width8
CheckerboardNumber of vertical checkers3Number of vertical checkers8Number of horizontal checkers3Number of horizontal checkers8
Color barsN/AN/AN/AN/A

This command is used in conjunction with the Write Input Source Select command. This command specifies which test pattern displays when the Write Input Source Select command selects test pattern generator as the image source. The settings for this command are retained until changed using this command. These settings automatically apply each time the test pattern generator is selected.

Batch files are created and stored in flash, and recall the settings for predefined test patterns.

Test patterns are created at the resolution of the display (DMD), are modified by the Write Image Crop command.

Test patterns display at the default frame rate 60Hz.

The Test Pattern Border Selection creates a white border, a single pixel wide and tall, around the specified test pattern.

The user must review the notes for the Write Input Source Select command to understand the concept of source-associated commands. This concept determines when source-associated commands are executed by the system. This command is a source-associated command.

When a foreground or background color is not used, the bit values are ignored (see Table 3-13). If both foreground and background color are not used, or when a parameter byte (bytes 3 through 6) is not used, the byte must not be sent. Table 3-15 shows the number of bytes required based on the specified pattern.

Table 3-15 Number of Bytes Required based on Pattern Selection
Specified PatternNumber of Bytes Required
Solid field2
Fixed step horizontal ramp4
Fixed step vertical ramp4
Horizontal lines4
Vertical lines4
Diagonal lines4
Grid lines6
Color bars1

As noted in Table 3-13, the color for the solid field pattern is specified using the foreground color. An example of a solid field pattern is shown in Figure 3-1.

DLPC3420 Example of Solid
          Field Test Pattern (Red)Figure 3-1 Example of Solid Field Test Pattern (Red)

As noted in Table 3-13, the color for the fixed step horizontal ramp pattern is specified using the foreground color. As noted in Table 3-14, the user specifies the start value and the stop value for the ramp. For this pattern, the system automatically determines the step size based on the start and stop values and the size of the display (DMD). The minimum start value is 0, the maximum stop value is 255, and the start value must always be smaller than the stop value. For example, if the start value = 0, the stop value = 255, and the DMD resolution is 1280 wide, the step size is 5 (1280 pixels / 256 values = 5). Thus, every gray shade value from 0 to 255 has a step size of 5 pixels (such that each step has 5 columns of pixels with the same gray scale value). The gray scale value always increments by 1 for each step between the start and stop values. An example of a fixed step horizontal ramp pattern is shown in Figure 3-2.

DLPC3420 Example of Fixed
          Step Horizontal Ramp Test PatternFigure 3-2 Example of Fixed Step Horizontal Ramp Test Pattern

As noted in Table 3-13, the color for the fixed step vertical ramp pattern is specified using the foreground color. As noted in Table 3-14, the user specifies the start value and the stop value for the ramp. For this pattern, the system automatically determines the step size based on the start and stop values and the size of the display (DMD). The minimum start value = 0, the maximum stop value = 255, and the start value must always be smaller than the stop value. For example, if the start value = 0, the stop value = 255, and the DMD resolution is 768 tall, then the step size is 3 (768 pixels / 256 values = 3). Thus, every value from 0 to 255 has a step size of 3 pixels (such that each step has 3 rows of pixels with the same gray scale value). The gray scale value always increments by 1 for each step between the start and stop values. An example of a fixed step vertical ramp pattern is shown in Figure 3-3.

DLPC3420 Example of Fixed
          Step Vertical Ramp Test PatternFigure 3-3 Example of Fixed Step Vertical Ramp Test Pattern

As noted in Table 3-13, the colors for the horizontal lines pattern are specified using both the foreground and background colors. The foreground color is used for the horizontal lines, and the background color is used for the space between the lines. As noted in Table 3-14, the user specifies the foreground line width, as well as the background line width. The user must determine the line spacing for each resolution display. For example, if the foreground line width = 1, and the background line width = 9, there is a single pixel horizontal line on every tenth line. An example of a horizontal lines pattern is shown in Figure 3-4.

DLPC3420 Example of
          Horizontal Lines Test PatternFigure 3-4 Example of Horizontal Lines Test Pattern

As noted in Table 3-13, the colors for the vertical lines pattern are specified using both the foreground and background colors. The foreground color is used for the vertical lines, and the background color is used for the space between the lines. As noted in Table 3-14, the user specifies the foreground line width, as well as the background line width. The user must determine the line spacing for each resolution display. For example, if the foreground line width = 1, and the background line width = 9, there is a single pixel vertical line on every tenth line. An example of a vertical lines pattern is shown in Figure 3-5.

DLPC3420 Example of
          Vertical Lines Test PatternFigure 3-5 Example of Vertical Lines Test Pattern

As noted in Table 3-13, the colors for the diagonal lines pattern are specified using both the foreground and background colors. The foreground color is used for the diagonal lines, and the background color is used for the space between the lines. As noted in Table 3-14, the user specifies the horizontal and vertical line spacing. The line width is always one pixel. The user determines the line spacing for each resolution display. Both horizontal and vertical line spacing must use the same value, and are limited to values of 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, and 255. Invalid values result in a communication error (invalid write parameter). An example of a diagonal lines pattern is shown in Figure 3-6.

DLPC3420 Example of
          Diagonal Lines Test PatternFigure 3-6 Example of Diagonal Lines Test Pattern

As noted in Table 3-13, the colors for the grid lines pattern are specified using both the foreground and background colors. The foreground color is used for the grid lines, and the background color is used for the space between the lines. As noted in Table 3-14, the user specifies the horizontal foreground and background line width, as well as the vertical foreground and background line width. The user determines the line spacing for each resolution display. For example, if the horizontal foreground line width = 1, and background line width = 9, there is a single pixel horizontal line on every tenth line. If the vertical foreground line width = 1, and background line width = 9, there is a single pixel vertical line on every tenth line. An example of a grid lines pattern is shown in Figure 3-7.

DLPC3420 Example of Grid
          Lines Test PatternFigure 3-7 Example of Grid Lines Test Pattern

As noted in Table 3-13, the colors for the checkerboard pattern are specified using both the foreground and background colors. The foreground color is used for one of the checkers, and the background color is used for the alternating checker. As noted in Table 3-14, the user specifies the number of horizontal checkers and the number of vertical checkers. For this pattern, the system automatically determines the checker size in each direction based on the number of checkers and the size of the display (DMD). For example, if the number of horizontal checkers = 4, the number of vertical checkers = 4, and the DMD resolution is 1280x720, the size of the horizontal checkers is 320 pixels, and the size of the vertical checkers is 180 pixels (1280 pixels / 4 checkers = 320 pixels: 720 pixels / 4 checkers = 180 pixels). An example of a checkerboard pattern (16 checkers by 12 checkers) is shown in Figure 3-8.

DLPC3420 Example of
          Checkerboard Test PatternFigure 3-8 Example of Checkerboard Test Pattern

As noted in Table 3-13 and Table 3-14, there is no user programmability associated the color bars test pattern. This pattern is made up of eight vertical color bars: white, yellow, cyan, green, magenta, red, blue, and black. For this pattern, the system automatically determines the width for each color bar based on the size of the display (DMD). An example of the color bars pattern is shown in Figure 3-9.

DLPC3420 Example of Color
          Bars Test PatternFigure 3-9 Example of Color Bars Test Pattern