Separate DMD reset
- Single Block radio
button - selects a single block from the drop-down list to reset on the DMD:
- The DLP9000X DMD and
DLP9000XUV have 16 selectable blocks
- The DLP6500 DMD has 15
selectable blocks
- Dual Block radio
button - selects group of two blocks from drop-down list to reset on the DMD:
- The DLP9000X DMD and
DLP9000XUV have the following selectable dual block groups - (1,2),
(3,4), (5,6), (7,8), (9,10), (11,12), (13,14), and (15,16).
- The DLP6500 DMD has the
following selectable dual block groups - (1,2), (3,4), (5,6), (7,8),
(9,10), (11,12), (13,14), and (15).
- Quad Block radio
button - selects group of two blocks from drop-down list to reset on the DMD.
- The DLP9000X DMD and
DLP9000XUV have the following selectable quad block groups - (1-4),
(5-8), (9-12), and (13-16)
- The DLP6500 DMD has the
following selectable quad block groups - (1-4), (5-8), (9-12), and
- Global radio button
- sends a reset to all blocks on the DMD at the same time.
Once a Reset type and group is
selected press one of the following options:
- Insert button -
inserts the command between the highlighted command and the prior command in the
Script sub-window. If there are no commands in the
Script sub-window, then no entry is made.
- Add button - adds the
command as the last line in the Script sub-window.