DLPU134 April   2024


  1.   1
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Purpose and Scope
  4. 2UART Host Interface
    1. 2.1 UART Requirements
    2. 2.2 UART Commands
    3. 2.3 UART Read Commands
    4. 2.4 UART Command Builder Tool
  5. 3MicroSD Card Playback
    1. 3.1 MicroSD Card Overview
    2. 3.2 MicroSD Card Formatting and Configuration
    3. 3.3 MicroSD Card Playback Operation
  6. 4Graphics Library
    1. 4.1 Graphics Library Overview
    2. 4.2 Initial Animations
    3. 4.3 MicroSD Card Images
    4. 4.4 Splash Image
    5. 4.5 Smart Home Demo
  7. 5DSI Mode
    1. 5.1 DSI Mode Overview
  8. 6Revision History

UART Read Commands

If the MSPM0 is to return data to the external host controller (PC GUI), the UART peripheral total outgoing payload must match the incoming payload format. Data that is exclusive to the incoming payload is echoed back to controller. The PC GUI is programmed when to expect read/return data and sends null (0xFF) data to the peripheral while data is returned to the controller.

UART peripheral total outgoing payload:

Byte Number Byte Field Name Value Description
0 Sync 0x55 The sync field is the first field in every frame that is transmitted by the controller. The sync field is used by the MSPM0 device to confirm the correct baud rate of the frame that is sent by the controller.
1 Main Command (Controller Echo) 1 byte Refer to incoming payload description.
2 ... n Command Mode Payload n = up to 32 bytes Refer to the individual command mode payload tables below for details.
2 ... n+1 Checksum 1 Byte

CheckSum8 Modulo 256: Sum of Bytes % 256

The Sync field is not included in the checksum calculation.

1 Delimiter 0X0A The delimiter byte value of 0x0A is identical to the newline character is ASCII, and represents the end of the complete UART payload.

Command Mode:

0x00 = DLPC3421 Command sub-payload:

Byte Number Byte Field Name Value Description

Address (Chip Address)

(Controller Echo)

1 byte

Write = 0x36 or 0x3A

Read Request = 0x36 or 0x3A

Read Response = 0x37 or 0x3B


Read Data Length

(Controller Echo)

1 byte Maximum supported respond length is 255 (theoretical), but limit to 29 (actual based on payload structure). This value is "do not care" for a write commands.

Sub-Address (Command)

(Controller Echo)

1 byte

Supports all command types listed in the DLPC3421 Software Programmer's Guide, which include:

  • General Operation
  • Illumination Control
  • Image Processing Control
  • General Setup
  • DSI Commands
  • Administrative
  • Flash Update
3 ... n Read Parameters n = up to 29 bytes The maximum number of return parameters to be expected is 29 bytes based on the command Read Sequence Header Attributes (26h). Optionally, consider full support for up to 256 read bytes of the Read Flash Start (E3h) and Read Flash Continue (E4h) commands; these commands are limited to 29 bytes due to the UART controller payload's Main Command size of 32 bytes.

See DLPC3421 Software Programmer's Guide for additional details.

0x02 = MSPM0 Command sub-payload:

Byte Number Byte Field Name Value Description
0 Command (Controller Echo) 1 byte Hex Code Refer to incoming payload description.
1 ... n Read Parameters n = up to 9 bytes All commands require 9 or less bytes as read parameters. The maximum number of parameter bytes is limited to 9 based on the set_dbc_th (D4h) and get_dbc_th (D5h) commands.

See SSD1963 LCD Controller data sheet for additional details.

0x02 = MSPM0 Command sub-payload:

Byte Number Byte Field Name Value Description
0-3 MSPM0 32-bit Address (Controller Echo) 4 bytes MSPM0 uses a 32-bit (4 byte) address length. Byte 0 is MSB, and Byte 3 is LSB.
4-7 Register Read Data 4 bytes Each register address stores a 32-bit data length value. Byte 4 is MSB, and Byte 7 is LSB.

See MSPM0G3507 data sheet for additional details.

0x03 = TI Internal Command sub-payload:

Byte Number Byte Field Name Value Description
0 ... n Reserved n = up to 32 bytes TI Internal functionality