DLPU134 April 2024
Display Serial Interface (DSI) is a video interface that is supported by the DLPC3421 controller on the DLPDLCR160CPEVM. This is an alternative to the parallel interface that the controller is using with the SSD1963 and MSPM0G3507. This method allows the EVM to keep its smaller size, because fewer pins are used, and have the ability to display external video content on the EVM. The EVM supports up to 4 DSI data lanes. The EVM is configured for 4 lanes out of the box.
For more information, see the DLPC3421 Display Controller data sheet. Review the following sections in the data sheet: DSI Input Data and Clock table, GPIO Peripheral Interface table, and DSI Host Timing Requirements.
The DSI Setup and Debugging Guide post gives is a more detailed DSI setup guide. This controller has some different commands from the guide mentioned that must be executed to allow for use of DSI. These commands can either be added to the Autoinit batch file or can be sent to the unit after the controller is initialized. The following is an example of the commands to send. The command order shown is not the only way that these commands can be sent. See the DLPC3421 Software Programmer’s Guide for more detail on these commands.
DsiPortEnable (D7h)
ImageCrop (10h)
InputImageSize (2Eh)
DsiHsClockInput (BDh)
InputSourceSelect (05h)
ExternalVideoSourceFormat (07h)