LMG5200デバイスは80V、10AのドライバにGaNハーフ・ブリッジ電力ステージを加えたもので、エンハンスメント・モードの窒化ガリウム(GaN) FETを使用する統合電力ステージ・ソリューションに使用できます。このデバイスは2つの80V GaN FETで構成され、1つの高周波数GaN FETドライバによりハーフ・ブリッジ構成で駆動されます。
GaN FETは逆方向回復時間がほぼゼロで、入力容量CISSが非常に小さいため、電力変換において大きな利点があります。すべてのデバイスはボンド・ワイヤを一切使用しないパッケージ・プラットフォームに取り付けられ、パッケージの寄生要素は最小限に抑えられます。LMG5200デバイスは、6mm×8mm×2mmの鉛フリー・パッケージで供給され、簡単にPCBへ取り付けできます。
TTLロジック互換の入力は、VCC電圧にかかわらず最高12Vの入力電圧に耐えられます。独自のブートストラップ電圧クランピング技法により、エンハンスメント・モードGaN FETのゲート電圧が安全な動作範囲内であることが保証されます。
このデバイスは、ディスクリートGaN FETに対して、より使いやすいインターフェイスを提供し、その利点を拡大します。小さなフォーム・ファクタで高周波数、高効率の動作が必要なアプリケーションに理想的なソリューションです。LMG5200をTPS53632Gコントローラとともに使用すると、48Vからポイント・オブ・ロード電圧(0.5~1.5V)への直接変換が可能です。
型番 | パッケージ | 本体サイズ(公称) |
LMG5200 | QFM (9) | 6.00mm×8.00mm |
Changes from C Revision (December 2016) to D Revision
Changes from B Revision (January 2016) to C Revision
Changes from A Revision (March 2015) to B Revision
Changes from * Revision (March 2015) to A Revision
NAME | NO. | ||
AGND | 7 | G | Analog ground. Ground of driver device. |
HB | 2 | P | High-side gate driver bootstrap rail. |
HI | 4 | I | High-side gate driver control input |
HS | 3 | P | High-side GaN FET source connection |
LI | 5 | I | Low-side driver control input |
PGND | 9 | G | Power ground. Low-side GaN FET source. Electrically shorted to AGND pin. |
SW | 8 | P | Switching node. Electrically shorted to HS pin. Ensure low capacitance at this node on PCB. |
VCC | 6 | P | 5-V positive gate drive supply |
VIN | 1 | P | Input voltage pin. Electrically connected to high-side GaN FET drain. |
VIN to PGND | 0 | 80 | V |
VIN to PGND (pulsed, 100-ms maximum duration)(2) | 100 | V | |
HB to AGND | –0.3 | 86 | V |
HS to AGND | –5 | 80 | V |
HI to AGND | –0.3 | 12 | V |
LI to AGND | –0.3 | 12 | V |
VCC to AGND | –0.3 | 6 | V |
HB to HS | –0.3 | 6 | V |
HB to VCC | 0 | 80 | V |
SW to PGND | –5 | 80 | V |
IOUT from SW pin | 10 | A | |
Junction temperature, TJ | –40 | 125 | °C |
Storage temperature, Tstg | –40 | 150 | °C |
VALUE | UNIT | |||
V(ESD) | Electrostatic discharge | Human-body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001(1) | ±1000 | V |
Charged-device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-C101(2) |
±500 | V |
MIN | NOM | MAX | UNIT | ||
VCC | 4.75 | 5 | 5.25 | V | |
LI or HI Input | 0 | 12 | V | ||
VIN | 0 | 80 | V | ||
HS, SW | –5 | 80 | V | ||
HB | VHS + 4 | VHS + 5.25 | V | ||
HS, SW slew rate(1) | 50 | V/ns | |||
Junction temperature, TJ | –40 | 125 | °C |
THERMAL METRIC (1) (2) | LMG5200 | UNIT | |
MOF (QFM) | |||
9 PINS | |||
R θJA | Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance | 35 | °C/W |
R θJC(top) | Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance | 18 | °C/W |
R θJB | Junction-to-board thermal resistance | 16 | °C/W |
ψ JT | Junction-to-top characterization parameter | 1.8 | °C/W |
ψ JB | Junction-to-board characterization parameter | 16 | °C/W |
ICC | VCC quiescent current | LI = HI = 0 V, VCC = 5 V, HB-HS = 4.6 V | 0.08 | 0.125 | mA | |
ICCO | Total VCC operating current | f = 500 kHz | 3 | 5 | mA | |
IHB | HB quiescent current | LI = HI = 0 V, VCC = 5 V, HB-HS = 4.6 V | 0.09 | 0.15 | mA | |
IHBO | HB operating current | f = 500 kHz, 50% Duty cycle, VDD = 5 V | 1.5 | 2.5 | mA | |
INPUT PINS | ||||||
VIH | High-level input voltage threshold | Rising edge | 1.87 | 2.06 | 2.22 | V |
VIL | Low-level input voltage threshold | Falling edge | 1.48 | 1.66 | 1.76 | V |
VHYS | Hysteresis between rising and falling threshold | 400 | mV | |||
RI | Input pulldown resistance | 100 | 200 | 300 | kΩ | |
VCCR | VCC Rising edge threshold | Rising | 3.2 | 3.8 | 4.5 | V |
VCC(hyst) | VCC UVLO threshold hysteresis | 200 | mV | |||
VHBR | HB Rising edge threshold | Rising | 2.5 | 3.2 | 3.9 | V |
VHB(hyst) | HB UVLO threshold hysteresis | 200 | mV | |||
VDL | Low-current forward voltage | IVDD-HB = 100 µA | 0.45 | 0.65 | V | |
VDH | High current forward voltage | IVDD-HB = 100 mA | 0.9 | 1.0 | V | |
RD | Dynamic resistance | IVDD-HB = 100 mA | 1.85 | 2.8 | Ω | |
HB-HS clamp | Regulation Voltage | 4.65 | 5 | 5.2 | V | |
tBS | Bootstrap diode reverse recovery time | IF = 100 mA, IR = 100 mA | 40 | ns | ||
QRR | Bootstrap diode reverse recovery charge | VVIN = 50 V | 2 | nC | ||
POWER STAGE | ||||||
RDS(ON)HS | High-side GaN FET on-resistance | LI = 0 V, HI = VCC=5 V, HB-HS = 5 V, VIN-SW = 10 A, TJ = 25℃ | 15 | 20 | mΩ | |
RDS(ON)LS | Low-side GaN FET on-resistance | LI = VCC = 5V, HI = 0 V, HB-HS = 5 V, SW-PGND = 10 A, TJ = 25℃ | 15 | 20 | mΩ | |
VSD | GaN 3rd quadrant conduction drop | ISD = 500 mA, VIN floating, VVCC = 5 V, HI = LI = 0 V | 2 | V | ||
IL-VIN-SW | Leakage from VIN to SW when the high-side GaN FET and low-side GaN FET are off | VIN = 80 V, HI = LI = 0 V, VVCC = 5 V, TJ= 25℃ | 25 | 150 | µA | |
IL-SW-GND | Leakage from SW to GND when the high-side GaN FET and low-side GaN FET are off | SW = 80 V, HI = LI = 0 V, VVCC = 5V, TJ = 25℃ | 25 | 150 | µA | |
COSS | Output capacitance of high-side GaN FET and low-side GaN FET | VDS=40 V, VGS= 0V (HI = LI = 0 V) | 266 | pF | ||
QG | Total gate charge | VDS=40 V, ID= 10A, VGS= 5 V | 3.8 | nC | ||
QOSS | Output charge | VDS=40 V, ID= 10 A | 21 | nC | ||
QRR | Source-to-drain reverse recovery charge | Not including internal driver bootstrap diode | 0 | nC | ||
tHIPLH | Propagation delay: HI rising(2) | LI = 0 V, VCC = 5 V, HB-HS = 5 V, VIN = 30 V | 29.5 | 50 | ns | |
tHIPHL | Propagation delay: HI falling(2) | LI = 0 V, VCC = 5 V, HB-HS = 5 V, VIN = 30 V | 29.5 | 50 | ns | |
tLPLH | Propagation delay: LI rising(2) | HI = 0 V, VCC = 5 V, HB-HS = 5 V, VIN = 30 V | 29.5 | 50 | ns | |
tLPHL | Propagation delay: LI falling(2) | HI = 0 V, VCC = 5 V, HB-HS = 5 V, VIN = 30 V | 29.5 | 50 | ns | |
tMON | Delay matching: LI high and HI low(2) | 2 | 8 | ns | ||
tMOFF | Delay matching: LI low and HI high(2) | 2 | 8 | ns | ||
tPW | Minimum input pulse width that changes the output | 10 | ns |
VDD = 5 V |
VIN = 48 V | VOUT = 5 V | fSW = 1 MHz |
Figure 5 shows the typical test setup used to measure the propagation mismatch. As the gate drives are not accessible, pullup and pulldown resistors in this test circuit are used to indicate when the low-side GaN FET turns ON and the high-side GaN FET turns OFF and vice versa to measure the tMON and tMOFF parameters. Resistance values used in this circuit for the pullup and pulldown resistors are in the order of 1 kΩ; the current sources used are 2 A.
Figure 6 through Figure 9 show propagation delay measurement waveforms. For turnon propagation delay measurements, the current sources are not used. For turnoff time measurements, the current sources are set to 2 A, and a voltage clamp limit is also set, referred to as VIN(CLAMP). When measuring the high-side component turnoff delay, the current source across the high-side FET is turned on, the current source across the low-side FET is off, HI transitions from high-to-low, and output voltage transitions from VIN to VIN(CLAMP). Similarly, for low-side component turnoff propagation delay measurements, the high-side component current source is turned off, and the low-side component current source is turned on, LI transitions from high to low and the output transitions from GND potential to VIN(CLAMP). The time between the transition of LI and the output change is the propagation delay time.