DS90UB934-Q1 FPD-Link III デシリアライザは、DS90UB913A/933-Q1 シリアライザと組み合わせることで、超高速のフォワード・チャネルと組み込みの双方向制御チャネルにより、ビデオ転送の要求に対応します。DS90UB934-Q1 は FPD-Link III ストリームをパラレル CMOS 出力インターフェイスに変換します。このインターフェイスは、100MHz で 12 ビットまで、1MP/60fps および 2Mp/30fps を含む解像度の車載用イメージ・センサをサポートするよう設計されています。
DS90UB933/934 チップセットは完全に AEC-Q100 認定済みで、50Ω のシングルエンド同軸ケーブル、または 100Ω のシールド・ツイストペア (STP) ケーブル・アセンブリのいずれかでデータを受信するよう設計されています。DS90UB934-Q1 は高度なアダプティブ・イコライザを使用し、追加のプログラミングを必要とせず、さまざまな長さと種類のケーブルをサポートします。
DS90UB934-Q1 は以前の世代の ADAS FPD-Link III デシリアライザ・デバイス (DS90UB914A-Q1 など) よりも改良されており、より高い帯域幅をサポートし、機能が拡張されています。
部品番号 | パッケージ (1) | 本体サイズ (公称) |
DS90UB934-Q1 | VQFN (48) | 7.00mm × 7.00mm |
Changes from Revision B (October 2018) to Revision C (September 2022)
Changes from Revision A (January 2017) to Revision B (October 2018)
NAME | NO. | ||
ROUT0 | 24 | O | RECEIVE DATA OUTPUT: This signal carries data from the FPD-LINK III deserializer to the processor. Output is parallel, configurable for up to 12 bits (ROUT0 – ROUT11) single ended outputs. VDDIO logic levels. For unused outputs leave as No Connect. |
ROUT1 | 23 | ||
ROUT2 | 22 | ||
ROUT3 | 21 | ||
ROUT4 | 19 | ||
ROUT5 | 18 | ||
ROUT6 | 16 | ||
ROUT7 | 15 | ||
ROUT8 | 14 | ||
ROUT9 | 13 | ||
ROUT10 | 12 | ||
ROUT11 | 11 | ||
HSYNC | 10 | O | Horizontal SYNC output. VDDIO logic levels. |
VSYNC | 9 | O | Vertical SYNC output. VDDIO logic levels. |
PCLK | 8 | O | Pixel clock (PCLK) output. VDDIO logic levels. |
GPIO | |||
GPIO0 | 28 | I/O, PD | General purpose input/output: Pins can be used to control and respond to various commands. They may be configured to be the input signals for the corresponding GPOs on the serializer or they may be configured to be outputs to follow local register settings. At power up the GPIO are disabled and by default include a 25-kΩ (typical) pulldown resistor. VDDIO logic levels. Unused GPIOs can be left open or floating. |
GPIO1 | 27 | ||
GPIO2 | 26 | ||
GPIO3/INTB | 25 | I/O, Open Drain | General purpose input/output: Pin GPIO3 can be configured to be an input signal for GPOs on the serializer. Pin 25 is shared with INTB. Pull up with 4.7 kΩ to VI2C. Programmable input/output pin is an active-low open drain and controlled by the status registers. The INTB VIH and VIL thresholds will be set based on the VDDIO voltage as the default and can be reprogrammed by the IO_CTL register. Unused GPIOs can be left open or floating. |
RIN0+ | 41 | I/O | Receive input channel 0: Differential FPD-Link receiver and bidirectional control back channel output. The IO must be AC coupled. There is internal 100Ω differential termination between RIN0+ and RIN0-. For applications using single-ended coaxial channel connect RIN0+ with 100-nF, AC-coupling capacitor and terminate RIN0– to GND with a 47-nF capacitor and 50-Ω resistor. For STP applications connect both RIN0+ and RIN0- with 100-nF, AC-coupling capacitor. |
RIN0– | 42 | ||
RIN1+ | 32 | I/O | Receive input channel 1: Differential FPD-Link receiver and bidirectional control back channel output. The IO must be AC coupled. There is internal 100Ω differential termination between RIN1+ and RIN1–. For applications using single-ended coaxial channel connect RIN0+ with 100nF AC coupling capacitor and terminate RIN1- to Ground with a 47 nF capacitor and 50 ohm resistor. For STP applications connect both RIN1+ and RIN1– with 100 nF AC coupling capacitor. |
RIN1– | 33 | ||
I2C PINS | |||
I2C_SCL | 2 | I/O, Open Drain |
I2C serial clock: Clock line for the
bidirectional control bus communication. External 2-kΩ to 4.7-kΩ pullup resistor to VI2C recommended per I2C interface standards. The I2C VIH and VIL thresholds will be set based on the VDDIO voltage as the default and can be reprogrammed by the IO_CTL register. |
I2C_SDA | 1 | I/O, Open Drain |
I2C serial data: Data line for bidirectional
control bus communication. External 2-kΩ to 4.7-kΩ pullup resistor to VI2C recommended per I2C interface standards. The I2C VIH and VIL thresholds will be set based on the VDDIO voltage as the default and can be reprogrammed by the IO_CTL register. |
IDX | 35 | S | Input. I2C serial control bus device ID address
Connect to external pullup to VDD18 (pin 17) and pull down to GND to create a voltage divider. See Table 5-7. |
MODE | 37 | S | Mode select configuration input to set operating
mode based on input voltage level. Typically connected to voltage divider via external pullup to VDD18 (pin 17) and pulldown to GND See Table 5-2. |
PDB | 30 | S, PD | Power-down inverted Input Pin. This pin is
internal pull down enabled. When PDB input is brought HIGH, the
device is enabled. Asserting PDB signal low powers down the device
and consume minimum power. The default function of this pin is PDB =
LOW; POWER DOWN. This pin has a 50-kΩ (typical) internal pulldown
resistor. INPUT IS 3.3 V TOLERANT. PDB = 1.8 V, device is enabled (normal operation) PDB = 0, device is powered down. |
SEL | 46 | S,PD | MUX select: Digital input for selecting FPD Link input channel 0 (A) or channel 1 (B). The default state of SEL = L, selects RIN0, input A, as the active channel on the deserializer. Asserting SEL = H selects RIN1 input B as the active channel on the deserializer. This pin has a 25-kΩ (typical) internal pulldown resistor. VDDIO logic levels. |
OSS_SEL | 4 | S, PD | Output sleep state select pin for enabling output sleep state. This pin has a 25-kΩ (typical) internal pulldown resistor. If unused, connect to VDD. If using pullup resistor to connect to VDD, the resistor value should be <= 4.3-kΩ. VDDIO logic levels. See Section 5.4.2. |
OEN | 5 | S, PD | Output enable. This pin has a 1-MΩ (typical) internal pulldown resistor. If unused, connect to VDD. If using pullup resistor to connect to VDD, the resistor value should be <= 4.3-kΩ. VDDIO logic levels. See Section 5.4.2. |
CMLOUTP | 38 | O | Channel monitor loop-through (CML) driver differential output. Typically routed to test points and not connected. For monitoring terminate CMLOUT with a 100-Ω differential load. |
CMLOUTN | 39 | ||
BISTEN | 6 | S, PD | BIST enable: BISTEN = H, BIST mode is enabled BISTEN = L, BIST mode is disabled. See Section for more information. This pin has a 25-kΩ (typ) internal pulldown resistor. VDDIO logic levels. |
PASS | 47 | O | PASS Output: PASS = H, ERROR FREE transmission in forward channel operation. PASS = L, one or more errors were detected in the received payload. See Section for more information. Leave No Connect if unused. Typically route to test point for monitoring. VDDIO logic levels. |
LOCK | 48 | O | LOCK Status: Output pin for monitoring lock status of FPD-Link III channel. LOCK = H, PLL is Locked, outputs are active. LOCK = L, PLL is unlocked, may be used as link status. VDDIO logic levels. |
RES | 44 | - | Reserved. Must be NC or tied to GND for normal operation. |
RES | 43 | - | Reserved. This pin has internal pull-up resistor. Must be tied to GND for normal operation. |
VDDIO | 7,29 | P | VDDIO voltage supply input: The single-ended outputs and control input are powered from VDDIO. VDDIO can be connected to a 1.8-V, ±5% or 3-V to 3.6-V power rail. Each pin requires a minimum 10-nF capacitor to GND. |
VDD18 | 17 | P | 1.8-V (±5%) power supply. Requires 1-μF, 0.1-μF, and 0.01-μF capacitors to GND at each VDD pin. |
VDD18_P0 VDD18_P1 |
45 36 |
P | 1.8-V (±5%) PLL power supplies.
Requires 1-μF, 0.1-μF, and 0.01-μF capacitors to GND at each VDD pin. |
40 31 |
P | 1.8-V (±5%) high-speed transceiver (HSTRX) analog
power supplies. Requires 10-μF, 0.1-μF, and 0.01-μF capacitors to GND at each VDD pin. |
VDD11_FPD | 34 | D | Decoupling capacitor connection for internal analog regulator. Requires a minimum 4.7-μF capacitor to GND and must not be connected to other 1.1-V supply rails. |
VDD11_DVP | 20 | D | Decoupling capacitor connection for internal mixed signal regulator. Requires a minimum 4.7-μF capacitor to GND and must not be connected to other 1.1-V supply rails. |
VDD11_D | 3 | D | Decoupling capacitor connection for internal digital regulator. Requires a minimum 4.7-μF capacitor to GND and must not be connected to other 1.1-V supply rails. |
GND | DAP | G | DAP is the large metal contact at the bottom side, located at the center of the QFN package. Connect to the ground plane (GND). |
The definitions below define the functionality of the I/O cells for each pin. TYPE: