2. Rails are powered-down as controlled by the sequencer in default EEPROM settings
3. Battery voltage always supplies the system (from BAT pin to SYS pin)
4. LDO1 is assigned to STROBE15 in default EEPROM settings and this special strobe is not controlled by the sequencer. LDO1 can only source 1 mA in the SLEEP state
5. The 9-MHz oscillator is enabled only when WLED or DCDC or PPATH or CHARGER is enabled.
6. The charger, auto-discharge, PPATH, and 9-MHz oscillator are ON in the SLEEP state if AC or USB is present and the charger is enabled and not fully charged.
7. Any USB = 1(↑) or AC = 1 (↑) event in the WAIT MIN OFF TIME2 state makes the device go from the SLEEP state when the timer expires. Any USB = 1(↑) or AC = 1 (↑) event in the WAIT MIN OFF TIME3 state makes the device go from the PRE-OFF state when the timer expires.
8. All user registers are reset to default values each time the device goes to the SLEEP state.
9. UVLO and OTS are monitored in all the states except the OFF, POR, and WAIT DEGLITCH states.