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TUSB4020BI は、2 ポートの USB 2.0 ハブです。上流ポートでハイ スピード / フル スピード USB 接続を、2 つの下流ポートでハイ スピード、フル スピード、ロー スピード USB 接続を提供します。上流のポートが、ハイ スピードおよびフル スピード / ロー スピードの接続をサポートする電気的環境に接続されている場合、下流のポートでハイ スピードおよびフル スピード/ロー スピード USB 接続が有効になります。上流のポートが、フル スピード / ロー スピード接続のみをサポートする電気的環境に接続されている場合、下流のポートでハイ スピード接続が無効になります。
TUSB4020BI には、ポートごと、または一括の電力スイッチングと過電流保護が搭載されています。
ポート パワー個別制御のハブは、各下流ポートへの給電をUSBホストのリクエストに応じてオン/オフします。また、ポート パワー個別制御のハブが過電流イベントを検出した場合には、影響を受ける下流ポートへの電力だけがオフになります。
TUSB4020BI の下流ポートは、バッテリ充電用の接続下流ポート (CDP) ハンドシェイクに対応し、バッテリを充電するアプリケーションをサポートします。上流ポートが接続されていないときは、専用充電ポート (DCP) モードもサポートします。DCP モードは、USB バッテリ充電および中国電気通信業界標準 YD/T 1591-2009 をサポートする USB デバイスに対応します。また、自動モードでは、上流ポートの未接続時に BC デバイスとデバイダ モード充電ソリューションをサポートするデバイスが透過的にサポートされます。
TUSB4020BI は、バッテリ充電のサポートなどいくつかの機能について端子ストラップ構成を提供しており、OTP ROM、I2C EEPROM、または PID、VID、およびカスタム ポートと PHY 構成用の I2C/SMBus ターゲット インターフェイスにより、カスタマイズを行えます。また、I2C EEPROM または I2C/SMBus ターゲット インターフェイスを使用する場合、カスタム ストリングをサポートします。
このデバイスは 48 ピンの HTQFP パッケージで供給され、-40℃~85℃の温度範囲で動作する産業用バージョンです。
PIN | TYPE(1) | DESCRIPTION | ||||||||
NAME | NO. | |||||||||
GRSTz | 11 | I PU | Global power reset. This reset brings all of the TUSB4020BI internal registers back to the default state. When GRSTz is asserted, the device is completely nonfunctional. | |||||||
XI | 38 | I | Crystal input. This terminal is the crystal input for the internal oscillator. The input can alternately be driven by the output of an external oscillator. | |||||||
XO | 39 | O | Crystal output. This terminal is the crystal output for the internal oscillator. If XI is driven by an external oscillator this pin can be left unconnected. | |||||||
USB_DP_UP | 26 | I/O | USB high-speed differential transceiver (positive) | |||||||
USB_DM_UP | 27 | I/O | USB high-speed differential transceiver (negative) | |||||||
USB_R1 | 24 | I | Precision resistor reference. Connect a 9.53kΩ ±1% resistor between USB_R1 and GND. | |||||||
USB_VBUS | 9 | I | USB upstream port power monitor. The VBUS detection requires a voltage divider. The signal USB_VBUS must be connected to VBUS through a 90.9kΩ ±1% resistor and to ground through a 10kΩ ±1% resistor from the signal to ground. | |||||||
USB_DP_DN1 | 41 | I/O | USB high-speed differential transceiver (positive) downstream port 1. | |||||||
USB_DM_DN1 | 42 | I/O | USB high-speed differential transceiver (negative) downstream port 1. | |||||||
PWRCTL1/BATEN1 | 4 | I/O PD | USB port 1 power-on control for downstream power or battery charging enable. The terminal is used for control of the downstream power switch for Port 1. | |||||||
In addition, the value of the terminal is sampled at the deassertion of reset to determine the value of the battery charging support for Port 1 as indicated in the Battery Charging Support register. | ||||||||||
0 = Battery charging not supported 1 = Battery charging supported | ||||||||||
OVERCUR1z | 5 | I PU | USB DS port 1 overcurrent detection input. This terminal is used to connect the overcurrent output of the downstream port power switch for port 1. | |||||||
0 = An overcurrent event has occurred 1 = An overcurrent event has not occurred | ||||||||||
If power management is enabled, review the power switch to determine the required external circuitry. In ganged mode, either OVERCUR1z or OVERCUR2z can be used. In ganged mode, the overcurrent is reported as a hub event instead of a port event. | ||||||||||
USB_DP_DN2 | 14 | I/O | USB high-speed differential transceiver (positive) downstream port 2. | |||||||
USB_DM_DN2 | 15 | I/O | USB high-speed differential transceiver (negative) downstream port 2. | |||||||
PWRCTL2/BATEN2 | 6 | I/O PD | Power-on control /battery charging enable for downstream port 2. This terminal is used for control of the downstream power switch for port 2. | |||||||
The value of the terminal is sampled at the deassertion of reset to determine the value of the battery charging support for port 2 as indicated in the Battery Charging Support register. | ||||||||||
0 = Battery charging not supported 1 = Battery charging supported | ||||||||||
OVERCUR2z | 8 | I PU | Overcurrent detection for downstream port 2. This terminal is used to connect the over current output of the downstream port power switch for port 2. | |||||||
0 = An overcurrent event has occurred 1 = An overcurrent event has not occurred | ||||||||||
If power management is enabled, review the power switch to determine the required external circuitry. In ganged mode either OVERCUR1z or OVERCUR2z can be used. In ganged mode the overcurrent is reported as a hub event instead of a port event. | ||||||||||
I2C/SMBUS SIGNALS | ||||||||||
SCL/SMBCLK | 2 | I/O PD | I2C clock/SMBus clock. Function of terminal depends on the setting of the SMBUSz input. | |||||||
When SMBUSz = 1, this terminal acts as the serial clock interface for an I2C EEPROM. | ||||||||||
When SMBUSz = 0, this terminal acts as the serial clock interface for an SMBus host. | ||||||||||
This pin must be pulled up to use the OTP ROM. | ||||||||||
Can be left unconnected if external interface not implemented. | ||||||||||
SDA/SMBDAT | 3 | I/O PD | I2C data/SMBus data. Function of terminal depends on the setting of the SMBUSz input. | |||||||
When SMBUSz = 1, this terminal acts as the serial data interface for an I2C EEPROM. | ||||||||||
When SMBUSz = 0, this terminal acts as the serial data interface for an SMBus host. | ||||||||||
This pin must be pulled up to use the OTP ROM. | ||||||||||
Can be left unconnected if external interface not implemented. | ||||||||||
SMBUSz | 22 | I PU | SMBUS mode. | |||||||
The value of the terminal is sampled at the deassertion of reset to enable I2C or SMBus mode. | ||||||||||
0 = SMBus mode selected 1 = I2C mode selected | ||||||||||
After reset, this signal is driven low by the TUSB4020BI. Due to this behavior, TI recommends to not tie directly to supply but instead pull up or pull down using external resistor. | ||||||||||
PWRCTL_POL | 21 | I/O PD | Power control polarity. | |||||||
The value of the terminal is sampled at the deassertion of reset to set the polarity of PWRCTL[2:1]. | ||||||||||
0 = PWRCTL polarity is active high. 1 = PWRCTL polarity is active low. | ||||||||||
After reset, this signal is driven low by the TUSB4020BI. Due to this behavior, TI recommends to not tie directly to supply but instead pull up or pull down using external resistor. | ||||||||||
GANGED/SMBA2/ HS_UP | 35 | I PU | Ganged operation enable/SMBus address bit 2/ high-speed status for upstream port | |||||||
The value of the terminal is sampled at the deassertion of reset to set the power switch and over current detection mode as follows: | ||||||||||
0 = Individual power control supported when power switching is enabled. 1 = Power control gangs supported when power switching is enabled. | ||||||||||
When SMBus mode is enabled using SMBUSz, this terminal sets the value of the SMBus target address bit 2. SMBus target address bit 3 is always 1 for the TUSB4020BI. | ||||||||||
After reset, this signal indicates the high-speed USB connection status of the upstream port. A value of 1 indicates the upstream port is connected to a high-speed USB capable port. | ||||||||||
Note: individual power control must be enabled for battery charging applications. | ||||||||||
FULLPWRMGMTz/ SMBA1 | 36 | I, PU | Full power management enable/ SMBus Address bit 1. | |||||||
The value of the terminal is sampled at the deassertion of reset to set the power switch control follows: | ||||||||||
0 = Power switching supported 1 = Power switching not supported | ||||||||||
Full power management is the ability to control power to the downstream ports of the TUSB4020BI using PWRCTL[2:1]/BATEN[2:1]. | ||||||||||
When SMBus mode is enabled using SMBUSz, this terminal sets the value of the SMBus target address bit 1. SMBus target address bit 3 is always 1 for the TUSB4020BI. | ||||||||||
Can be left unconnected if full power management and SMBus are not implemented. | ||||||||||
After reset, this signal is driven low by the TUSB4020BI. Due to this behavior, TI recommends to not tie directly to supply but instead pull up or pull down using external resistor. | ||||||||||
Note: power switching must be supported for battery charging applications. | ||||||||||
RSVD | 16, 17, 19, 20, 28, 29, 31, 32, 43, 44, 46, 47 | I/O | Reserved. These pins are for internal use only and must be left unconnected on PCB. | |||||||
TEST | 10 | I PD | TEST mode enable. When this terminal is asserted high at reset enables test mode. This terminal is reserved for factory use. TI recommends to pull down this terminal to ground. | |||||||
VDD | 1, 12, 18, 30, 34, 45 | PWR | 1.1V power rail | |||||||
VDD33 | 7, 13, 23, 25, 33, 37, 40, 48 | PWR | 3.3V power rail | |||||||
GND | PAD | — | Ground |