JAJSFA5E September 2015 – April 2018 LMK03318
POWER | |||
n/a | DAP | Ground | Die Attach Pad.
The DAP is an electrical connection and provides a thermal dissipation path. For proper electrical and thermal performance of the device, a 6 × 6 via pattern (0.3 mm holes) is recommended to connect the DAP to multiple ground layers of the PCB. Refer to Layout Guidelines. |
4 | VDD_DIG | Analog | 3.3 V power supply for digital control and STATUS outputs. |
5 | VDD_IN | Analog | 3.3 V power supply for input block. |
18 | VDDO_01 | Analog | 1.8 V, 2.5 V, or 3.3 V power supply for OUT0/OUT1 channel. |
19 | VDDO_23 | Analog | 1.8 V, 2.5 V, or 3.3 V power supply for OUT2/OUT3 channel. |
27 | VDD_LDO | Analog | 3.3 V power supply for PLL LDO. |
36 | VDD_PLL | Analog | 3.3 V power supply for PLL/VCO. |
37 | VDDO_4 | Analog | 1.8 V, 2.5 V, or 3.3 V power supply for OUT4 channel. |
40 | VDDO_5 | Analog | 1.8 V, 2.5 V, or 3.3 V power supply for OUT5 channel. |
43 | VDDO_6 | Analog | 1.8 V, 2.5 V, or 3.3 V power supply for OUT6 channel. |
46 | VDDO_7 | Analog | 1.8 V, 2.5 V, or 3.3 V power supply for OUT7 channel. |
6, 7 | PRIREF_P, PRIREF_N | Universal | Primary reference clock.
Accepts a differential or single-ended input. Input pins have AC-coupling capacitors and biasing internally. For LVCMOS input, the non-driven input pin must be pulled down to ground. |
8 | REFSEL | LVCMOS | Manual reference input selection for PLL (3-state).
Weak pul-lup resistor. |
9 | HW_SW_CTRL | LVCMOS | Selection for Hard Pin Mode (ROM), Soft Pin Mode (EEPROM), or Register Default Mode.
Weak pullup resistor. |
10, 11 | SECREF_P, SECREF_N | Universal | Secondary reference clock.
Accepts a differential or single-ended input or crystal input. Input pins have AC-coupling capacitors and biasing internally. For LVCMOS input, external input termination is needed to attenuate the swing to less than 2.6 V, and the non-driven input pin must be pulled down to ground. For crystal input, AT-cut fundamental crystal must be used as per defined specification, and pullable crystal should be used for fine margining. |
3 | CAP_DIG | Analog | External bypass capacitor for digital blocks. Attach a 10 µF to GND. |
28 | CAP_LDO | Analog | External bypass capacitor for PLL LDO. Attach a 10 µF to GND. |
34 | LF | Analog | External loop filter for PLL. |
35 | CAP_PLL | Analog | External bypass capacitor for PLL. Attach a 10 µF to GND. |
14, 15 | OUT0_P, OUT0_N | Universal | Differential/LVCMOS output pair 0. Programmable driver with differential or 2 × 1.8-V LVCMOS outputs. |
17, 16 | OUT1_P, OUT1_N | Universal | Differential/LVCMOS output pair 1. Programmable driver with differential or 2 × 1.8-V LVCMOS outputs. |
20, 21 | OUT2_P, OUT2_N | Universal | Differential/LVCMOS output pair 2. Programmable driver with differential or 2 × 1.8-V LVCMOS outputs. |
23, 22 | OUT3_P, OUT3_N | Universal | Differential/LVCMOS output pair 3. Programmable driver with differential or 2 × 1.8-V LVCMOS outputs. |
39, 38 | OUT4_P, OUT4_N | Universal | Differential/LVCMOS output pair 4. Programmable driver with differential or 2 × 1.8-V LVCMOS outputs. |
42, 41 | OUT5_P, OUT5_N | Universal | Differential/LVCMOS output pair 5. Programmable driver with differential or 2 × 1.8-V LVCMOS outputs. |
45, 44 | OUT6_P, OUT6_N | Universal | Differential/LVCMOS output pair 6. Programmable driver with differential or 2 × 1.8-V LVCMOS outputs. |
48, 47 | OUT7_P, OUT7_N | Universal | Differential/LVCMOS output pair 7. Programmable driver with differential or 2 × 1.8-V LVCMOS outputs. |
1 | STATUS0 | Universal | Status output 0 (open drain, requires external pullup) or 3.3-V LVCMOS output from synth (push-pull).
Status signal selection and output polarity are programmable. |
2 | STATUS1 | Universal | Status output 1 (open drain, requires external pullup) or 3.3-V LVCMOS output from synth (push-pull).
Status signal selection and output polarity are programmable. |
12 | GPIO0 | LVCMOS | Multifunction inputs (2-state). |
13 | PDN | LVCMOS | Device power-down (active low). Weak pullup resistor. |
24 | GPIO1 | LVCMOS | Multifunction input (3-state or 2-state). |
25 | SDA | LVCMOS | I2C serial data (bidirectional, open drain).
Requires an external pullup resistor to VDD_DIG. I2C slave address is initialized from on-chip EEPROM. |
26 | SCL | LVCMOS | I2C serial clock (bidirectional, open drain).
Requires an external pullup resistor to VDD_DIG. |
29 | NC | N/A | No connect. |
30 | GPIO2 | LVCMOS | Multifunction input (3-state or 2-state). |
31 | GPIO3 | LVCMOS | Multifunction input (3-state or 2-state). |
32 | GPIO4 | LVCMOS | Multifunction input (2-state). |
33 | GPIO5 | Universal | Multifunction input (2-state) or analog input for frequency margin. |