JAJSFF8E October   2012  – May 2018 BQ27545-G1


  1. 特長
  2. アプリケーション
  3. 概要
    1.     Device Images
      1.      概略回路図
  4. 改訂履歴
  5. Device Comparison Table
  6. Pin Configuration and Functions
    1.     Pin Functions
  7. Specifications
    1. 7.1  Absolute Maximum Ratings
    2. 7.2  ESD Ratings
    3. 7.3  Recommended Operating Conditions
    4. 7.4  Thermal Information
    5. 7.5  Electrical Characteristics: Supply Current
    6. 7.6  Electrical Characteristics: Digital Input and Output DC
    7. 7.7  Electrical Characteristics: Power-On Reset
    8. 7.8  Electrical Characteristics: 2.5-V LDO Regulator
    9. 7.9  Electrical Characteristics: Internal Clock Oscillators
    10. 7.10 Electrical Characteristics: Integrating ADC (Coulomb Counter) Characteristics
    11. 7.11 Electrical Characteristics: ADC (Temperature and Cell Voltage)
    12. 7.12 Electrical Characteristics: Data Flash Memory
    13. 7.13 HDQ Communication Timing Characteristics
    14. 7.14 I2C-Compatible Interface Timing Characteristics
    15. 7.15 Typical Characteristics
  8. Detailed Description
    1. 8.1 Overview
    2. 8.2 Functional Block Diagram
    3. 8.3 Feature Description
      1. 8.3.1 Fuel Gauging
      2. 8.3.2 Impedance Track Variables
        1.  Load Mode
        2.  Load Select
        3.  Reserve Cap-mAh
        4.  Reserve Energy
        5.  Design Energy Scale
        6.  Dsg Current Threshold
        7.  Chg Current Threshold
        8.  Quit Current, Dsg Relax Time, Chg Relax Time, and Quit Relax Time
        9.  Qmax
        10. Update Status
        11. Avg I Last Run
        12. Avg P Last Run
        13. Delta Voltage
        14. Ra Tables and Ra Filtering Related Parameters
        15. MaxScaleBackGrid
        16. Max DeltaV, Min DeltaV
        17. Qmax Max Delta %
        18. Fast Resistance Scaling
        19. StateOfCharge() Smoothing
        20. DeltaV Max Delta
        21. Lifetime Data Logging Parameters
    4. 8.4 Device Functional Modes
      1. 8.4.1  System Control Function
        1. SHUTDOWN Mode
        2. INTERRUPT Mode
        3. Battery Level Indication
        4. Internal Short Detection
        5. Tab Disconnection Detection
      2. 8.4.2  Temperature Measurement and the TS Input
      3. 8.4.3  Over-Temperature Indication
        1. Over-Temperature: Charge
        2. Over-Temperature: Discharge
      4. 8.4.4  Charging and Charge Termination Indication
        1. Detection Charge Termination
        2. Charge Inhibit
      5. 8.4.5  Power Modes
        1. NORMAL Mode
        2. SLEEP Mode
        3. FULLSLEEP Mode
        4. HIBERNATE Mode
      6. 8.4.6  Power Control
        1. Reset Functions
        2. Wake-Up Comparator
        3. Flash Updates
      7. 8.4.7  Autocalibration
      8. 8.4.8  Communications
        1. Authentication
        2. Key Programming (Data Flash Key)
        3. Key Programming (Secure Memory Key)
        4. Executing An Authentication Query
      9. 8.4.9  HDQ Single-Pin Serial Interface
      10. 8.4.10 HDQ Host Interruption Feature
        1. Low Battery Capacity
        2. Temperature
    5. 8.5 Programming
      1. 8.5.1 I2C Interface
        1. I2C Time-Out
        2. I2C Command Waiting Time
        3. I2C Clock Stretching
      2. 8.5.2 Data Commands
        1. Standard Data Commands
          1.  Control(): 0x00 and 0x01
            1.  CONTROL_STATUS: 0x0000
            2.  DEVICE_TYPE: 0x0001
            3.  FW_VERSION: 0x0002
            4.  HW_VERSION: 0x0003
            5.  RESET_DATA: 0x0005
            6.  PREV_MACWRITE: 0x0007
            7.  CHEM_ID: 0x0008
            8.  BOARD_OFFSET: 0x0009
            9.  CC_OFFSET: 0x000a
            10. CC_OFFSET_SAVE: 0x000b
            11. DF_VERSION: 0x000c
            12. SET_FULLSLEEP: 0x0010
            13. SET_HIBERNATE: 0x0011
            14. CLEAR_HIBERNATE: 0x0012
            15. SET_SHUTDOWN: 0x0013
            16. CLEAR_SHUTDOWN: 0x0014
            17. SET_HDQINTEN: 0x0015
            18. CLEAR_HDQINTEN: 0x0016
            19. STATIC_CHEM_DF_CHKSUM: 0x0017
            20. SEALED: 0x0020
            21. IT ENABLE: 0x0021
            22. RESET: 0x0041
            23. EXIT_CAL: 0x0080
            24. Enter_cal: 0x0081
            25. OFFSET_CAL: 0x0082
          2.  AtRate(): 0x02 and 0x03
          3.  UnfilteredSOC(): 0x04 And 0x05
          4.  Temperature(): 0x06 And 0x07
          5.  Voltage(): 0x08 And 0x09
          6.  Flags(): 0x0a And 0x0b
          7.  NominalAvailableCapacity(): 0x0c and 0x0d
          8.  FullAvailableCapacity(): 0x0e and 0x0f
          9.  RemainingCapacity(): 0x10 and 0x11
          10. FullChargeCapacity(): 0x12 and 0x13
          11. AverageCurrent(): 0x14 and 0x15
          12. TimeToEmpty(): 0x16 And 0x17
          13. FilteredFCC(): 0x18 And 0x19
          14. StandbyCurrent(): 0x1a And 0x1b
          15. UnfilteredFCC(): 0x1c And 0x1d
          16. MaxLoadCurrent(): 0x1e And 0x1f
          17. UnfilteredRM(): 0x20 And 0x21
          18. FilteredRM(): 0x22 And 0x23
          19. AveragePower(): 0x24 And 0x25
          20. InternalTemperature(): 0x28 And 0x29
          21. CycleCount(): 0x2a And 0x2b
          22. StateOfCharge(): 0x2c And 0x2d
          23. StateOfHealth(): 0x2e And 0x2f
          24. PassedCharge(): 0x34 And 0x35
          25. Dod0(): 0x36 And 0x37
          26. SelfDischargeCurrent(): 0x38 And 0x39
      3. 8.5.3 Extended Data Commands
        1.  PackConfig(): 0x3a and 0x3b
        2.  DesignCapacity(): 0x3c And 0x3d
        3.  DataFlashClass(): 0x3e
        4.  DataFlashBlock(): 0x3f
        5.  BlockData(): 0x40 Through 0x5f
        6.  BlockDataChecksum(): 0x60
        7.  BlockDataControl(): 0x61
        8.  DeviceNameLength(): 0x62
        9.  DeviceName(): 0x63 Through 0x6c
        10. Reserved: 0x6a Through 0x7f
      4. 8.5.4 Data Flash Interface
        1. Accessing the Data Flash
        2. Manufacturer Information Blocks
      5. 8.5.5 Access Modes
      6. 8.5.6 Sealing and Unsealing Data Flash
      7. 8.5.7 Data Flash Summary
    6. 8.6 Register Maps
      1. 8.6.1 Pack Configuration Register
        1. Table 1. Pack Configuration Bit Definition
      2. 8.6.2 Pack Configuration B Register
        1. Table 2. Pack Configuration B Bit Definition
      3. 8.6.3 Pack Configuration C Register
        1. Table 3. Pack Configuration C Bit Definition
  9. Application and Implementation
    1. 9.1 Application Information
    2. 9.2 Typical Application
      1. 9.2.1 Design Requirements
      2. 9.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure
        1. BAT Voltage Sense Input
        2. SRP and SRN Current Sense Inputs
        3. Sense Resistor Selection
        4. TS Temperature Sense Input
        5. Thermistor Selection
        6. REGIN Power Supply Input Filtering
        7. VCC LDO Output Filtering
      3. 9.2.3 Application Curves
  10. 10Power Supply Recommendations
    1. 10.1 Power Supply Decoupling
  11. 11Layout
    1. 11.1 Layout Guidelines
      1. 11.1.1 Sense Resistor Connections
      2. 11.1.2 Thermistor Connections
      3. 11.1.3 High-Current and Low-Current Path Separation
    2. 11.2 Layout Example
  12. 12デバイスおよびドキュメントのサポート
    1. 12.1 ドキュメントのサポート
      1. 12.1.1 関連資料
    2. 12.2 コミュニティ・リソース
    3. 12.3 商標
    4. 12.4 静電気放電に関する注意事項
    5. 12.5 Glossary
  13. 13メカニカル、パッケージ、および注文情報

Data Flash Summary

The following table summarizes the data flash locations, including their default, minimum, and maximum values, that are available to users.

Table 17. Data Flash Summary

Class Subclass ID Subclass Offset Name Data Type Min Value Max Value Default Value Units (EVSW Units)*
Configuration 2 Safety 0 OT Chg I2 0 1200 550 0.1°C
Configuration 2 Safety 2 OT Chg Time U1 0 60 2 s
Configuration 2 Safety 3 OT Chg Recovery I2 0 1200 500 0.1°C
Configuration 2 Safety 5 OT Dsg I2 0 1200 600 0.1°C
Configuration 2 Safety 7 OT Dsg Time U1 0 60 2 s
Configuration 2 Safety 8 OT Dsg Recovery I2 0 1200 550 0.1°C
Configuration 32 Charge Inhibit Cfg 0 Chg Inhibit Temp Low I2 –400 1200 0 0.1°C
Configuration 32 Charge Inhibit Cfg 2 Chg Inhibit Temp High I2 –400 1200 450 0.1°C
Configuration 32 Charge Inhibit Cfg 4 Temp Hys I2 0 100 50 0.1°C
Configuration 34 Charge 0 Charging Voltage I2 0 4600 4200 mV
Configuration 36 Charge Termination 0 Taper Current I2 0 1000 100 mA
Configuration 36 Charge Termination 2 Min Taper Capacity I2 0 1000 25 mAh
Configuration 36 Charge Termination 4 Taper Voltage I2 0 1000 100 mV
Configuration 36 Charge Termination 6 Current Taper Window U1 0 60 40 s
Configuration 36 Charge Termination 7 TCA Set % I1 –1 100 99 %
Configuration 36 Charge Termination 8 TCA Clear % I1 –1 100 95 %
Configuration 36 Charge Termination 9 FC Set % I1 –1 100 –1 %
Configuration 36 Charge Termination 10 FC Clear % I1 –1 100 98 %
Configuration 36 Charge Termination 11 DODatEOC Delta T I2 0 1000 50 0.1°C
Configuration 48 Data 0 Rem Cap Alarm I2 0 700 100 mA
Configuration 48 Data 8 Initial Standby I1 –256 0 –10 mA
Configuration 48 Data 9 Initial MaxLoad I2 –32767 0 –500 mA
Configuration 48 Data 17 Cycle Count U2 0 65535 0
Configuration 48 Data 19 CC Threshold I2 100 32767 900 mAh
Configuration 48 Data 23 Design Capacity I2 0 32767 1000 mAh
Configuration 48 Data 25 Design Energy I2 0 32767 5400 mWh
Configuration 48 Data 27 SOH Load I I2 –32767 0 –400 mA
Configuration 48 Data 29 TDD SOH Percent I1 0 100 80 %
Configuration 48 Data 40 ISD Current I2 0 32767 10 HourRate
Configuration 48 Data 42 ISD I Filter U1 0 255 127
Configuration 48 Data 43 Min ISD Time U1 0 255 7 Hour
Configuration 48 Data 44 Design Energy Scale U1 0 255 1
Configuration 48 Data 45 Device Name S11 x x bq27545-G1
Configuration 49 Discharge 0 SOC1 Set Threshold U2 0 65535 150 mAh
Configuration 49 Discharge 2 SOC1 Clear Threshold U2 0 65535 175 mAh
Configuration 49 Discharge 4 SOCF Set Threshold U2 0 65535 75 mAh
Configuration 49 Discharge 6 SOCF Clear Threshold U2 0 65535 100 mAh
Configuration 49 Discharge 9 BL Set Volt Threshold I2 0 16800 2500 mV
Configuration 49 Discharge 11 BL Set Volt Time U1 0 60 2 s
Configuration 49 Discharge 12 BL Clear Volt Threshold I2 0000 16800 2600 mV
Configuration 49 Discharge 14 BH Set Volt Threshold I2 0 16800 4500 mV
Configuration 49 Discharge 16 BH Volt Time U1 0 60 2 s
Configuration 49 Discharge 17 BH Clear Volt Threshold I2 0000 16800 4400 mV
Configuration 56 Manufacturer Data 0 Pack Lot Code H2 0x0 0xffff 0x0
Configuration 56 Manufacturer Data 2 PCB Lot Code H2 0x0 0xffff 0x0
Configuration 56 Manufacturer Data 4 Firmware Version H2 0x0 0xffff 0x0
Configuration 56 Manufacturer Data 6 Hardware Revision H2 0x0 0xffff 0x0
Configuration 56 Manufacturer Data 8 Cell Revision H2 0x0 0xffff 0x0
Configuration 56 Manufacturer Data 10 DF Config Version H2 0x0 0xffff 0x0
Configuration 57 Integrity Data 6 Static Chem DF Checksum H2 0x0 0x7fff 0x0
Configuration 59 Lifetime Data 0 Lifetime Max Temp I2 0 1400 0 0.1°C
Configuration 59 Lifetime Data 2 Lifetime Min Temp I2 –600 1400 500 0.1°C
Configuration 59 Lifetime Data 4 Lifetime Max Pack Voltage I2 0 32767 2800 mV
Configuration 59 Lifetime Data 6 Lifetime Min Pack Voltage I2 0 32767 4200 mV
Configuration 59 Lifetime Data 8 Lifetime Max Chg Current I2 –32767 32767 0 mA
Configuration 59 Lifetime Data 10 Lifetime Max Dsg Current I2 –32767 32767 0 mA
Configuration 60 Lifetime Temp Samples 0 LT Flash Cnt U2 0 65535 0
Configuration 64 Registers 0 Pack Configuration H2 0x0 0xffff 0x1177
Configuration 64 Registers 2 Pack Configuration B H1 0x0 0xff 0xa7
Configuration 64 Registers 3 Pack Configuration C H1 0x0 0xff 0x18
Configuration 66 Lifetime Resolution 0 LT Temp Res U1 0 255 10 Num
Configuration 66 Lifetime Resolution 1 LT V Res U1 0 255 25 Num
Configuration 66 Lifetime Resolution 2 LT Cur Res U1 0 255 100 Num
Configuration 66 Lifetime Resolution 3 LT Update Time U2 0 65535 60 Num
Configuration 68 Power 0 Flash Update OK Voltage I2 0 4200 2800 mV
Configuration 68 Power 2 Sleep Current I2 0 100 10 mA
Configuration 68 Power 11 Hibernate I U2 0 700 8 mA
Configuration 68 Power 13 Hibernate V U2 2400 3000 2550 mV
Configuration 68 Power 15 FS Wait U1 0 255 0 s
System Data 58 Manufacturer Info 0–31 Block A 0–31 H1 0x0 0xff 0x0
System Data 58 Manufacturer Info 32–63 Block B 0–31 H1 0x0 0xff 0x0
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 0 Load Select U1 0 255 1
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 1 Load Mode U1 0 255 0
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 21 Max Res Factor U1 0 255 15
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 22 Min Res Factor U1 0 255 5
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 25 Ra Filter U2 0 1000 800
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 67 Terminate Voltage I2 2800 3700 3000 mV
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 69 Term V Delta I2 0 4200 200 mV
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 72 ResRelax Time U2 0 65534 500 s
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 76 User Rate-mA I2 2000 9000 0 mA
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 78 User Rate-Pwr I2 3000 14000 0 mW/cW
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 80 Reserve Cap-mAh I2 0 9000 0 mA
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 82 Reserve Energy I2 0 14000 0 mWh/cWh
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 86 Max Scale Back Grid U1 0 15 4
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 87 Max DeltaV U2 0 65535 200 mV
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 89 Min DeltaV U2 0 65535 0 mV
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 91 Max Sim Rate U1 0 255 1 C/rate
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 92 Min Sim Rate U1 0 255 20 C/rate
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 93 Ra Max Delta U2 0 65535 43
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 95 Qmax Max Delta % U1 0 100 5 mAmpHour
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 96 DeltaV Max Delta U2 0 65535 10 mV
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 102 Fast Scale Start SOC U1 0 100 10 %
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 103 Charge Hys V Shift I2 0 2000 40 mV
Gas Gauging 81 Current Thresholds 0 Dsg Current Threshold I2 0 2000 60 mA
Gas Gauging 81 Current Thresholds 2 Chg Current Threshold I2 0 2000 75 mA
Gas Gauging 81 Current Thresholds 4 Quit Current I2 0 1000 40 mA
Gas Gauging 81 Current Thresholds 6 Dsg Relax Time U2 0 8191 60 s
Gas Gauging 81 Current Thresholds 8 Chg Relax Time U1 0 255 60 s
Gas Gauging 81 Current Thresholds 9 Quit Relax Time U1 0 63 1 s
Gas Gauging 81 Current Thresholds 10 Max IR Correct U2 0 1000 400 mV
Gas Gauging 82 State 0 Qmax Cell 0 I2 0 32767 1000 mAh
Gas Gauging 82 State 2 Cycle Count U2 0 65535 0
Gas Gauging 82 State 4 Update Status H1 0x0 0x6 0x0
Gas Gauging 82 State 5 V at Chg Term I2 0 5000 4200 mV
Gas Gauging 82 State 7 Avg I Last Run I2 –32768 32767 –299 mA
Gas Gauging 82 State 9 Avg P Last Run I2 –32768 32767 –1131 mA
Gas Gauging 82 State 11 Delta Voltage I2 –32768 32767 2 mV
Gas Gauging 82 State 15 T Rise I2 0 32767 20 Num
Gas Gauging 82 State 17 T Time Constant I2 0 32767 1000 Num
OCV Table 83 OCV Table 0 Chem ID H2 0 FFFF 0128 num
Ra Table 88 R_a0 0 Cell0 R_a flag H2 0x0 0x0 0xff55
Ra Table 88 R_a0 2–31 Cell0 R_a 0–14 I2 183 183 407 2–10 Ω
Ra Table 89 R_a0x 0 xCell0 R_a flag H2 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff
Ra Table 89 R_a0x 2–31 xCell0 R_a 0–14 I2 183 183 407 2–10 Ω
Calibration 104 Data 0 CC Gain F4 1.0e–1 4.0e+1 0.4768
Calibration 104 Data 4 CC Delta F4 2.9826e+4 1.193046e+6 567744.56
Calibration 104 Data 8 CC Offset I2 –32768 32767 –1200 mA
Calibration 104 Data 10 Board Offset I1 –128 127 0 µAmp
Calibration 104 Data 11 Int Temp Offset I1 –128 127 0
Calibration 104 Data 12 Ext Temp Offset I1 –128 127 0
Calibration 104 Data 13 Pack V Offset I1 –128 127 0
Calibration 107 Current 1 Deadband U1 0 255 5 mA
Security 112 Codes 0 Sealed to Unsealed H4 0x0 0xffffffff 0x36720414
Security 112 Codes 4 Unsealed to Full H4 0x0 0xffffffff 0xffffffff
Security 112 Codes 8 Authen Key3 H4 0x0 0xffffffff 0x01234567
Security 112 Codes 12 Authen Key2 H4 0x0 0xffffffff 0x89abcdef
Security 112 Codes 16 Authen Key1 H4 0x0 0xffffffff 0xfedcba98
Security 112 Codes 20 Authen Key0 H4 0x0 0xffffffff 0x76543210

Table 18. Data Flash to EVSW Conversion

Class Subclass
Subclass Offset Name Data
Data Flash
Data Flash
Data Flash (DF)
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 78 User Rate-Pwr I2 0 cW/10W 0 mW/cW DF × 10
Gas Gauging 80 IT Cfg 82 Reserve Energy I2 0 cWh/10cWh 0 mWh/cW DF × 10
Calibration 104 Data 0 CC Gain F4 0.47095 Num 10.124 4.768/DF
Calibration 104 Data 4 CC Delta F4 5.595e5 Num 10.147 5677445/DF
Calibration 104 Data 8 CC Offset I2 –1200 Num –0.576 mV DF × 0.0048
Calibration 104 Data 10 Board Offset I1 0 Num 0 µV DF × 0.0075