HDCP_DBG2 Register (Address = C1h) [reset = 0h]
HDCP_DBG2 is described in Table 91.
Return to Summary Table.
Table 91. HDCP_DBG2 Register Field Descriptions
Bit |
Field |
Type |
Reset |
Description |
7-2 |
R/W |
0h |
Reserved |
1 |
R/W |
0h |
No Decrypt:
When set to a 1, the HDCP Receiver will output the encrypted data on the RGB pins. All other functions will work normally. This provides a simple way of showing that the link is encrypted. |
0 |
R/W |
0h |
HDCP Enable Mode:
This bit controls whether the HDCP Repeater function will enable HDCP in attached HDCP Transmitters if it detects HDCP is already enabled 1 : Don't re-enable HDCP if already enabled 0 : Re-enable HDCP at start of authentication, even if HDCP Transmitter already has HDCP enabled |