JAJSG76C September 2018 – April 2024 LM5164
Reduce noise sensitivity of the output voltage feedback path by placing the resistor divider close to the FB pin, rather than close to the load. This reduces the trace length of FB signal and noise coupling. The FB pin is the input to the feedback comparator, and as such, is a high impedance node sensitive to noise. The output node is a low impedance node, so the trace from VOUT to the resistor divider can be long if a short path is not available.
Route the voltage sense trace from the load to the feedback resistor divider, keeping away from the SW node, the inductor, and VIN to avoid contaminating the feedback signal with switch noise, while also minimizing the trace length. This is most important when high feedback resistances greater than 100 kΩ are used to set the output voltage. Also, route the voltage sense trace on a different layer from the inductor, SW node, and VIN so there is a ground plane that separates the feedback trace from the inductor and SW node copper polygon. This provides further shielding for the voltage feedback path from switching noise sources.