JAJSG99 September 2018 ADS1235
MIN | MAX | UNIT | ||
td(CSSC) | Delay time, first SCLK rising edge after CS falling edge(1) | 50 | ns | |
tsu(DI) | Setup time, DIN valid before SCLK falling edge | 25 | ns | |
th(DI) | Hold time, DIN valid after SCLK falling edge | 25 | ns | |
tc(SC) | SCLK period(2) | 97 | 106 | ns |
tw(SCH), tw(SCL) | Pulse duration, SCLK high or low | 40 | ns | |
td(SCCS) | Delay time, last SCLK falling edge before CS rising edge | 50 | ns | |
tw(CSH) | Pulse duration, CS high to reset interface | 25 | ns | |
td(SCIR) | Delay time, SCLK high or low to force interface auto-reset | 65540 | 1/fCLK | |
RESET | ||||
tw(RSTL) | Pulse duration, RESET low | 4 | 1/fCLK | |
tw(STH) | Pulse duration, START high | 4 | 1/fCLK | |
tw(STL) | Pulse duration, START low | 4 | 1/fCLK | |
tsu(DRST) | Setup time, START low or STOP command after DRDY low to stop next conversion (Continuous-conversion mode) | 100 | 1/fCLK | |
th(DRSP) | Hold time, START low or STOP command after DRDY low to continue next conversion (Continuous-conversion mode) | 150 | 1/fCLK |