JAJSGO8F July 2013 – February 2020 TAS5760M
In Hardware Control mode, pulling the SPK_SLEEP/ADR pin HIGH gracefully transitions the switching of the output devices to a non-switching state or "High-Z" state. This mode of operation is similar to mute in that no audio is present on the outputs of the device. However, unlike the 50/50 mute available in the I²C Control Port, sleep mode saves quiescent power dissipation by stopping the speaker amplifier output transitors from switching. This mode of operation saves quiescent current operation but keeps signal path blocks active so that normal operation can resume more quickly than if the device were placed into shutdown. It is recommended to place the device into sleep mode before stopping the audio signal coming in on the SDIN line or before bringing down the power supplies connected to the TAS5760M in order to avoid audible artifacts.