LMK00804B-Q1 は、差動またはシングルエンド入力に対応できる 2 つの選択可能な入力の 1 つから、最大 4 つの LVCMOS/LVTTL 出力 (3.3V、2.5V、1.8V、1.5V レベル) を分配できる高性能クロック・ファンアウト・バッファおよびレベル・シフタです。クロック・イネーブル入力は内部的に同期されており、クロック・イネーブル端子がアサートまたはアサート解除される際に、出力のラントやグリッチ・パルスが除去されます。クロックがディセーブルの場合、出力は論理 LOW 状態に保持されます。LMK00804B-Q1 はジッタの小さいクロックを 4 つのトランシーバ間に分配でき、カスケード接続されたミリ波レーダー・システムで、総合的なターゲット検出および分解能を向上できます。
型番 | パッケージ | 本体サイズ(公称) |
LMK00804B-Q1 | VQFN (16) | 3.00mm×3.00mm |
Changes from A Revision (June 2019) to B Revision
Changes from * Revision (March 2019) to A Revision
NAME | NO. | ||
CLK_EN | 4 | I, PU | Synchronous clock enable input. CLK_EN must be held low until a valid reference clock is provided. Typically connected to VDD with an external 1-kΩ pullup. When unused, leave floating.
0 = Outputs are forced to logic low state 1 = Outputs are enabled with LVCMOS/LVTTL levels |
CLK_N | 6 | I, PD, PU | Inverting differential clock input with internal 51-kΩ (typ) pullup resistor to VDD and internal 51-kΩ (typ) pulldown resistor to GND. Typically connected to the inverting clock input. When unused, leave floating. Internally biased to VDD/2 when left floating. |
CLK_P | 5 | I, PD | Noninverting differential clock input with internal 51-kΩ (typ) pulldown resistor to GND. Typically connected to the noninverting clock input. A single-ended clock input can also be connected to CLK_P. When unused, leave floating. |
CLK_SEL | 7 | I, PU | Clock select input. Typically connected to VDD with an external 1-kΩ pullup. When unused, leave floating.
0 = Select LVCMOS_CLK (pin 8) 1 = Select CLK_P, CLK_N (pins 5, 6) |
GND | 1, 9, 13 | G | Power supply ground. |
LVCMOS_CLK | 8 | I, PD | Single-ended clock input with internal 51-kΩ (typ) pulldown resistor to GND. Typically connected to a single-ended clock input. When unused, leave floating. Accepts LVCMOS/LVTTL levels. |
NC | 2 | NC | No connect pin. Typically left floating. Do not connect to GND. |
Q0 | 16 | O | Single-ended clock outputs with LVCMOS/LVTTL levels at 7-Ω output impedance. Typically connected to a receiver with a 43-Ω series termination. When unused, leave floating. |
Q1 | 14 | ||
Q2 | 12 | ||
Q3 | 10 | ||
VDD | 3 | P | Power supply terminal. Typically connected to a 3.3-V supply. The VDD pin is typically connected GND with an external 0.1-uF capacitor. |
VDDO | 11, 15 | P | Output supply terminals. Typically connected to a 3.3-V, 2.5-V, 1.8-V, or 1.5-V supply. The VDDO pins are typically connected GND with external 0.1-uF capacitors. |