JAJSHG4 May 2019
ADVANCE INFORMATION for pre-production products; subject to change without notice.
Figure 10 shows the zero-crossing-detection (ZCD) module that generates a digital output corresponding to the threshold crossings of an analog input. In order to detect threshold crossings on a particular analog input, configure the 4-bit channel ID in the ZCD_CHID register field. The threshold crossing to be detected can be configured in the HIGH_TH register. The output of the ZCD module can be mapped to any digital output by configuring the GPO_ZCD_UPDATE_EN, GPO_VALUE_ZCD_CFG_CH0_CH3, and GPO_VALUE_ZCD_CFG_CH4_CH7 registers.
The ADC conversion result of the selected analog input channel is compared with the digital threshold and the digital output is set accordingly. Equation 5 shows how transients near zero crossings can be rejected by configuring the ZCD_BLANKING register.