JAJSTM8 April 2024 AFE20408
The AFE20408 is capable of continuously analyzing the supplies, reference, external ADC inputs, and internal temperature for normal operation. Normal operation for the conversion results is established through the lower- and upper-threshold registers. When any of the monitored inputs is out of the specified range, the corresponding alarm bit in the alarm status registers is set. In addition, the global alarm bit (GALR in the GEN_STATUS register) is also set.
All of the alarms can be set to activate the FLEXIO pin, when configured as ALARMOUT. Any alarm event can activate the pin as long as the alarm is not masked in the ALARMOUT_SRC registers. When an alarm event is masked, the occurrence of the event sets the corresponding status bit in the alarm status registers, but does not activate the ALARMOUT pin.
The ALARM_LATCH_DIS bit (located in the GEN_CFG_0 register, part of the General Configuration register page) sets the latching behavior for the internal device alarms, as well as the ALARMOUT pin. When the ALARM_LATCH_DIS bit is cleared to 0, the alarms are latched. The alarms are referred to as being latched because the GALR bit and ALARMOUT pin remain active until the GEN_STATUS register is read by software, even if the alarm condition subsides before the read. This design makes sure that out-of-limit events cannot be missed if the software is polling the device periodically. When the ALARM_LATCH_DIS bit is set to 1, the alarm bits are not latched. In this case, the GALR bit and ALARMOUT pin are deactivated as soon as the error condition subsides, regardless of whether the GEN_STATUS register is read or not. Regardless of the ALARM_LATCH_DIS bit value, all bits in the alarm status registers are cleared only after a software read. Read the alarm status registers twice to confirm that the bits have cleared after the alarm condition subsides. These bits are reasserted if the out-of limit condition still exists on the next monitoring cycle.
In addition, all of the alarms can be set to force one or more DACs to the power-down state. To enable this functionality, the alarm event must be enabled as a power-down source by writing to the appropriate bits within the DAC_APD_SRC and OUT_APD_SRC registers (all located within the DAC Configuration register page). Additionally, the DAC outputs to be controlled by the alarm event must be specified. In this application, when a DAC control alarm event is detected, all the DACs that are set to power down in response to the alarm do so. When the alarm event is cleared, the DACs are reloaded with the contents of the DAC active registers, which allows the DAC outputs to return to the previous operating point without any additional commands.