Run the code by going to Run → Resume or clicking the Resume button in the tool bar. systemVars.flagEnableSystem should be set to 1 after a fixed time, meaning the offset calibration has been done. The fault flags, motorVars_M1.faultMtrUse.all, should be equal to 0.
Set the variable motorVars_M1.flagEnableRunAndIdentify to 1. The motor identification will
be executed; the whole process will take about 150 seconds. Once
motorVars_M1.flagEnableRunAndIdentify is equal to 0 and the motor stops,
the motor parameters have been identified. Copy the variable values in the
Expressions window to replace the defined motor parameters in user_mtr1.h as
- USER_MOTOR1_Rs_Ohm =
motorSetVars_M1.Rs_Ohm's value
- USER_MOTOR1_Ls_d_H =
motorSetVars_M1.Ls_d_H's value
- USER_MOTOR1_Ls_q_H =
motorSetVars_M1.Ls_q_H's value
motorSetVars_M1.flux_VpHz's value
Change MOTOR_IDENT back to 0 to disable
identification after successfully indentifying the motor parameters. Rebuild and
reload the application.
Once the motor parameters identification completes or are set correctly in the user_mtr1.h file, start the motor by setting motorVars_M1.flagEnableRunAndIdentify equal to 1 again. Check the following:
- Set the target speed value using the variable
motorVars_M1.speedRef_Hz and watch how the motor shaft speed follows
the set speed. To change the acceleration, enter a different value into the
variable motorVars_M1.accelerationMax_Hzps.
- You can use the CCS Graph tool to monitor
variables as described in Section 3.3.2. By default for this
build level, the motor angle and current waveforms are logged.
- The default proportional gain (Kp) and integral
gain (Ki) for the current controllers of the FOC system are calculated in the
function setupControllers(). After setupControllers() is called,
the global variables motorSetVars_M1.Kp_Id, motorSetVars_M1.Ki_Id,
motorSetVars_M1.Kp_Iq, and motorSetVars_M1.Ki_Iq are
initialized with the newly calculated Kp and Ki gains. Tune the Kp and Ki value
of these four variables in Expressions window as shown in Figure 3-16 for the current controllers to achieve the expected current control bandwidth
and response. The Kp gain creates a zero that cancels the pole of the motor’s
stator and can easily be calculated. The Ki gain adjusts the bandwidth of the
current controller-motor system. When a speed controlled system is needed for a
certain damping, the Kp gain of the current controller will relate to the time
constant of the speed controlled system.
- The default proportional gain (Kp) and integral
gain (Ki) for the speed controllers of the FOC system are also calculated in the
function setupControllers(). After setupControllers() is called,
the global variables motorSetVars_M1.Kp_spd and
motorSetVars_M1.Ki_spd are initialized with the newly calculated Kp
and Ki gains. Tune the Kp and Ki value of these two variables in
Expressions window as shown in Figure 3-16 for the speed controllers to achieve the expected current control bandwidth
and response. Tuning the speed controller has more unknowns than when tuning a
current controller. The default calculated Kp and Ki are just serve as a
starting point starting point.