This mode provides optimized output data in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Nyquist regions:
- Change the frequency of the signal generator connected to EXT_DACCLK (SMA J2) to 6.4 GHz. Set the frequency of the signal generator connected to LMK IN (SMA J25) to 1.6 GHz.
- Press the DAC RESET switch.
- Click on the DAC12DL3200EVM Low Level View tab.
- Click on the File icon and navigate to “EXT_CLK_Mode0_2xRF_Dual_DAC.cfg” and click the OK button to load the LMK and DAC registers.
This configuration file sets up the DAC to operate in dual channel mode, 2 banks of LVDS data per DAC, with the output available on CHA and CHB.
- In the HSDC Pro GUI, in the device drop-down menu, select "DAC12DL3200_MODE0_12b_sync_istrb”. If the firmware is already loaded, skip the next step.
- When prompted, click Yes to update the firmware. After the firmware is downloaded, do the DxSTR register write mentioned in the DxSTRB Timing Adjustment section.
- Enter "3.2 GHz" for the Data Rate.
- In the I/Q Multitone Generator window in
the lower left of the GUI, enter the following parameters: # of tones "1", tone
center "1 GHz" then click "Create Tones".
- Click the Send button in the upper left of the main GUI page to send the test tone to the DAC EVM. There should now be a 1-GHz output tone on CHA and CHB SMAs. The image of this tone is optimized for 3rd Nyquist, which is located at 7.4 GHz and 11.8 GHz in the 4th Nyquist zone.