Complete the following steps to work in dual-channel output mode 0:
- Change the frequency of the signal generator connected to EXT_DACCLK (SMA J2) to 3.2 GHz.
- Select the DAC RESET switch.
- Click on the DAC12DL3200EVM Low Level View tab.
- Click on the File icon and navigate to “EXT_CLK_Mode0_NRZ_Dual_DAC.cfg” and click the OK button to load the LMK and DAC registers.
This configuration file will setup the DAC to operate in dual-channel mode with outputs available on CHA and CHB.
- In the HSDC Pro GUI, in the device drop-down menu, select "DAC12DL3200_MODE0_12b_sync_istrb”. If the firmware is already loaded, skip the next step.
- When prompted, click the Yes button to
update the firmware. After the firmware is downloaded, do the DxSTR register
write mentioned in the DxSTRB Timing Adjustment section.
- Enter "3.2GHz" for the Data Rate.
- In the I/Q Multitone Generator window in the lower left of the GUI, enter the following parameters: # of tones "1", tone center "1GHz" then click the Create Tones button.
- Click the Send button in the upper left of the main GUI page to send the test tone to the DAC EVM. There should now be a 1-GHz output tone on CHA SMA connector J1 and CHB SMA connector J4.