General problems | - Verify the test setup shown in Figure 3-1, and repeat the setup procedure as described in this document.
- Check power supply to EVM and TSW14DL3200EVM. Verify that the power switch is in the on position.
- Check signal and clock connections to EVM.
- Visually check the top and bottom sides of the board to verify that nothing looks discolored or damaged.
- Make sure the board-to-board FMC connection is secure.
- After changing the DAC configuration, click Instrument Options → Download Firmware and download TSW14DL3200_DAC_FIRMWARE.bin.
- Power cycle the external power supply to the DAC EVM, and reprogram the LMK and DAC devices.
- Ensure jumpers are set properly.
TSW14DL3200 EVM LEDs are not correct | |
Configuration GUI is not working properly | - Verify that the USB cable is plugged into the EVM and the PC.
- Check the computer device manager and verify that a USB serial device is recognized when the EVM is connected to the PC.
- Verify that the green USB Status LED light in the top right corner of the GUI is lit. If it is not lit, click the Reconnect FTDI button.
- Close and start the configuration GUI.
Configuration GUI is not able to connect to the EVM | - Use the free FT_PROG software from FTDI chip and verify that the onboard FTDI chip is programmed with the product description DAC12DL3200.
HSDC Pro software is not sending data. | - Verify that the TSW14DL3200EVM is properly connected to the PC with a mini USB 3.0 cable and that the board serial number is properly identified by the HSDC software.
- Check that the DAC device mode selected matches the HSDC Pro ini file selected.
- Check that the data rate parameter is correct. This should have a "M" for megahertz or "G" for gigahertz after the frequency number.
HSDC Pro software gives a time-out error when User clicks on
SEND. | - Verify that the DAC data rate parameter is correctly set in the HSDC software.
- Select Instrument Options → Download Firmware and download TSW14DL3200_DAC_FIRMWARE.bin. Try sending the test pattern again.
- Verify both clocks are enabled, synchronized and the correct frequency going to the DAC
Sub-optimal measured performance | - Make sure the DAC reset button was pressed before
loading the DAC configuration file.
- Ensure all SMA connections are secure.
- Make sure FMC connectors are fastened together