Using the onboard oscillator, clock dividers, and external connectors, the ADS1285EVM-PDK has device configuration flexibility. The ADC operates from CLK, which generates the modulator clock (fMOD), provided in one of two ways:
- A crystal oscillator and the accompanying clock dividers can provide a selectable frequency for the entire range of the ADC.
- The onboard crystal oscillator (Y1) provides the
nominal 8.192-MHz clock frequency (default)
- The dividers (U6) step down the frequency to 4.096 MHz
- J8 allows the user to select between these frequencies and connect them directly to CLK by using a shunt
- An external main clock can be provided to a subminiature version A (SMA) connector (J5) or to pins 4 or 2 of J7 when a shunt does not select the frequency from the crystal oscillator.
- In this case, a shunt must not cover J7 so that CLK is connected to any of the crystal oscillator signals
- Be sure to review the valid CLKIN input frequency in the data sheet
Note: All clock sources are sourced back to the PHI
connector (J6) so that the GUI SCLK communication is synchronous with CLK.
Figure 3-2 shows a schematic for the clock source.