SBAU408 august 2023 ADS7953
The Alarm Configuration page (Figure 6-7) sets the alarm thresholds of the ADS7953 ADC. The device has an alarm feature that allows GPIO0 to be configured as either a high or low or just as a low alarm threshold and GPIO1 to be configured as a low alarm threshold. These GPIO configurations can be set by going to the Device Configuration page and using the drop-down menu to select the appropriate function for the two GPIOs. In the GUI, these thresholds are set using a 12-bit hexadecimal value and are available on all 16 channels. If a threshold is crossed, the bell under GPIO0 or GPIO1 illuminates depending on which threshold is crossed and the configuration of the two GPIOs. To program the values, enter the appropriate threshold value and click on the Program Alarm Registers button. Only channels 0 to 7 are displayed by default. To set the thresholds for the other eight channels, click the CH8-CH15 button next to Select Page at the bottom right corner of the window.