The following instructions are a step-by-step guide to connecting the ADS9227EVM to the computer and evaluating the performance of the ADS9227.
- Review the default jumper settings in Figure 3-8 below as well as the power guidelines in Section 2.2.1.
- Physically connect J1 of the TSWDC155EVM to J27 of the ADS9227EVM. This component is the digital communications and power signal connection in default configuration.
- Set jumper J18 to the FMC_PWR position so the TSWDC155EVM provides power. Otherwise, set J18 to EXT_PWR and connect an external 5.2-V to 5.5-V supply on screw terminal connection J17.
- Bypass any external USB hub and connect the USB on the TSWDC155EVM directly to the computer.
- Install the GUI as described in Section 3.1.1.
- Install the necessary USB drivers as described in Section 3.1.2.
- Launch the GUI.
- Press the Initialize USB, Power Up, Program FPGA, and Initialize ADS92xx buttons, in order from top to bottom, on the Config tab to power up and configure the EVM, (see Section 3.1.3 for details).
- Connect a 10 VPP, single-ended sine wave signal from a function generator to any AINxP SMA input connector.
- Press the EN SYNC button on the Capture tab.
- Select the number of samples to be at least 32k points, and choose the Hanning window type for best frequency domain results.
- Press the Start Capture button to collect and analyze the data displayed on the appropriate CHx tab; see Figure 4-6.