This example uses a coherent 790MHz
input on the channel A input with the ADC in a 1x averaging mode with dither
- In the Bypass Mode box,
use the DDC drop-down to change to Complex Mode. Notice the box title
changes to Complex Mode to reflect the current DDC operating mode.
- Use the Decimation
drop-down to change the decimation to 8.
- Set the LMFSHd setting to
- Set the channel INA1 NCO0
and NCO1 to 800 (MHz).
- Change LMK divider from 8
to 16.
- Once these settings are verified
and match Figure 3-6, press the Device Bringup button.
- Wait until after the message
Device Bringup Completed appears in the Log.
- In HSDC Pro, connect to the
TSW14J58EVM and select ADC32RF5x_4421_6G-8G as the INI file shown in
Figure 3-7.
- Update the firmware by pressing
Yes on the pop-up window and waiting for the Downloading
Firmware message to finish.
- Open the Additional Device
Parameters menu by clicking on the gear next to the ADC Output Data Rate
- Check the box labeled
Enable? and then enter the parameters shown in Figure 3-8.
- Once completed, click
- Check the box labeled Auto
Calculation of Coherent Frequencies to see the ADC Input Target
Frequency change from 790M to the coherent frequency. Set the signal
generator connected to channel A input to this coherent frequency.
- Change the view window from
Real FFT to Complex FFT and select channel
- Press the Capture button
and a screen similar to Figure 3-9 pops up.
- Adjust signal generator output
such that the measured fundamental power in HSDC Pro is at the user's desired