SBOA590 November 2024 OPA186 , OPA206 , OPA328 , OPA391 , OPA928
Figure 2-9 shows the op amp model for bias current. Using the principle of superposition, you can determine the offset shift for each of the bias current sources separately, then combine the result. In superposition, only one source is considered at a time and the unused current sources are replaced with opens while the unused voltage sources are replaced with shorts. Figure 2-10 shows the superposition diagram for calculation of the output offset due to IBN. Considering the amplifier to be ideal, there is a virtual short between the inverting and non-inverting input terminals. Since the non-inverting input is grounded, the inverting input is virtually grounded and the voltage across RG is 0 V. Thus, there is no current through RG so all the bias current flows through RF. The output offset is IBNRF (see Equation 27). This offset can be referred to the input by dividing its magnitude by the op amp closed loop gain. Simplifying this equation yields Equation 28. Thus, the offset referred to the input from IBN is the bias current multiplied by the parallel combination of RF and RG.
Figure 2-11 shows the superposition diagram for calculation of the output offset due to IBP. In this case the offset calculation is simply the bias current multiplied by the source impedance, VIBP = -IBPRS. Note that when the bias current from both the inverting and non-inverting input flow in the same direction, the polarity of the offset generated by inverting and non-inverting inputs oppose each other. In cases where IBN = IBP and both currents flow in the same direction, the feedback network impedance and source impedance can be balanced to cancel the bias current effects, RS = (RF || RG). However, in general two CMOS input bias currents and chopper transients are not equal, so balancing their impedances may not improve the bias current generated offset voltage error much and may actually make the error worse. Section 4 covers this topic in more detail.