This user’s guide describes the characteristics, operation, and use of the INA219 evaluation module (Rev A) hardware. This document covers all pertinent areas involved to properly use this EVM board. Throughout this document, the terms evaluation board, evaluation module, and EVM are synonymous with the INA219EVM. This document includes the physical printed circuit board layout, schematic diagrams, and circuit descriptions.
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This document provides the information needed to set up and operate the INA219EVM evaluation module, a test platform for the INA219, a high-side measurement, bidirectional current/power monitor with I2C interface. For a more detailed description of the INA219, see also the product data sheet (SBOS448) available from the Texas Instruments website at Additional support documents are listed in the section of this guide entitled Related Documentation from Texas Instruments.
The INA219EVM is an evaluation module used to fully evaluate the INA219 current and power monitor device. The INA219EVM consists of three printed circuit boards (PCBs). One board (the SM-USB-DIG Platform) generates the digital signals required to communicate with the INA219, which is part of the second board (INA219_Test_Board), as well as support and configuration circuitry. The last board (SENS009) is an interface board between the SM-USB-DIG and the INA219_Test_Board.
Throughout this document, the abbreviation EVM and the term evaluation module are synonymous with the INA219EVM.
Figure 1-1 shows the hardware included with the INA219EVM kit. Contact the Texas Instruments customer support center if any component is missing. TI recommends users check the TI website at to verify that they have the latest versions of the related software.
The complete kit includes the following items: