SCAU058 April   2022


  1.   Trademarks
  2. 1Overview
    1. 1.1 What is the TDP1204 EVM?
    2. 1.2 What is Included in the TDP1204 EVM?
    3. 1.3 What Does the EVM Look Like?
  3. 2Hardware Configuration
    1. 2.1 Power
    2. 2.2 Enable or Reset
    3. 2.3 Configuration Jumpers
    4. 2.4 Rx EQ Configuration
    5. 2.5 HPD Snoop Option
    6. 2.6 Local I2C Access
  4. 3Quick Start Guide
  5. 4Schematics
    1.     15
    2.     16
    3.     17
    4.     18
    5.     19
    6.     20
    7.     21
    8.     22

Quick Start Guide

The instructions below assume the EVM is configured for pin-strap mode and is powered from barrel jack.

  1. Insertion +5 V DC Power source into barrel jack. Turn on SW2.
  2. If using external I2C configuration instead of pin-straps, please configure TDP1204 at this step.
  3. Insert a HDMI source using a standard HDMI cable into P1 (HDMI receptacle).
  4. Insert a HDMI video sink into P2 (HDMI receptacle) using a standard HDMI cable.
  5. Video output on HDMI sink should be observed.