SFFS624 March 2024 MSPM0G3105 , MSPM0G3105-Q1 , MSPM0G3106 , MSPM0G3106-Q1 , MSPM0G3107 , MSPM0G3107-Q1 , MSPM0G3505 , MSPM0G3505-Q1 , MSPM0G3506 , MSPM0G3506-Q1 , MSPM0G3507 , MSPM0G3507-Q1
In case of internal errors in the component, one or more of the following actions can be taken:
Take the actuator output pins to a safe state (For example the fault logic in timers can take the outputs to a safe state).
Reset the device.
Communicate the error to the host CPU and let system take the appropriate action.