SLAA281C November 2005 – August 2018 MSP430F1610 , MSP430F1610 , MSP430F1611 , MSP430F1611 , MSP430F1612 , MSP430F1612 , MSP430G2001 , MSP430G2001 , MSP430G2101 , MSP430G2101 , MSP430G2111 , MSP430G2111 , MSP430G2121 , MSP430G2121 , MSP430G2131 , MSP430G2131 , MSP430G2201 , MSP430G2201 , MSP430G2201-Q1 , MSP430G2201-Q1 , MSP430G2211 , MSP430G2211 , MSP430G2221 , MSP430G2221 , MSP430G2231 , MSP430G2231 , MSP430G2231-Q1 , MSP430G2231-Q1
This application report and the associated source code files demonstrate a serial peripheral interface (SPI) between the MSP430F1612 microcontroller (MCU) and an MMC or SD flash memory card that used in SPI mode. The provided information can be used with any MSP430™ MCU with a hardware SPI interface.
The sample software described in this application report can be downloaded from
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