2.4.3 Operate BSL - Standard Sequence
To flash new user data to the device, the BSL is used in the following sequence.
- Put the MSP430G2xx into reset state by pressing and holding the reset button on the LaunchPad.
- Press button S2 (BSL_entry Pin) on the LaunchPad and release the reset button. The device is now in BSL mode, and S2 can be released.
- Send the SYNC character from host to device.
- Wait at least (NumberOfFlashSegments × 16 × 2) ms to allow the device enough time to erase the flash and restore the interrupt vectors.
- Send the user code byte-wise from host to device.
- Send the checksum from the host to the device.
- Read the answer (ACK or NACK) from the device.
- If the answer is an ACK, the BSL forced a device reset and the device is already in application mode.
- If the answer is a NACK or there was no response, repeat the procedure until an ACK is received.
In HTerm a "Send File" button can be found to send data that is stored in binary files. The zip archive that is available with this document includes user code (firmware) files to verify the BSL. It also includes a SYNC.bin file to transmit the synchronization character without bothering on number formats.