SLAA877 December 2018 MSP430FR2633
When the gesture information is streamed to the oscilloscope plot view from the MSP430FR2633 MCU, there are 9 channels, each containing a 16-bit value. To view only the ones of interest, click a data channel in the oscilloscope view to select or deselect it. The channels and assigned data values are:
Ch 0 = SensorTouch (this indicates when sensor is touched)
Ch 1 = SampleCount (current value of sample counter)
Ch 2 = SingleTap (this indicates a tap gesture)
Ch 3 = DoubleTap (this indicates a double-tap gesture)
Ch 4 = SlideLeft (this indicates a slide left motion gesture)
Ch 5 = SlideRight (this indicates a slide right motion gesture)
Ch 6 = SwipeLeft (this indicates a swipe left motion gesture)
Ch 7 = SwipeRight (this indicates a swipe right motion gesture)
Ch 8 = TapHold (this indicates a tap-and-hold gesture)