SLAA877 December 2018 MSP430FR2633
The double-tap gesture is controlled by two timing parameters: ui16TouchSampleCount_Min and ui16DoubleTapDelayCount_Max. The data channels used for tap tuning are (000) finger touch, (001) sample count, (002) tap gesture detect, and (003) double-tap gesture detect.
Figure 8 show a valid double tap gesture. The first finger touch and release meets the minimum timing parameter, followed by a second finger touch. The maximum delay allowed between finger release and second touch was not exceeded, so a valid gesture is reported.
Figure 9 shows an invalid double tap gesture that appears as only a single tap. The first finger touch and release meets the minimum timing parameter; however, the second touch never occurs. Because this is the pattern for a single tap event, this gesture is reported as a tap gesture. The tap report is delayed until the maximum timing parameter is exceeded.
Figure 10 shows an invalid double tap gesture that appears as two single taps close together. The first finger touch and release meets the minimum timing parameter; however, the second touch occurs after the maximum timing parameter, so the first touch is reported as a single tap gesture. The second finger touch also meet the minimum timing parameter, but because no additional finger touches occur, the maximum timing parameter is violated again and the touch is reported as a single tap gesture.