SLAA877 December 2018 MSP430FR2633
The processSliderGesture() function, located in file media_player_slider.c, is called from the slider sensor handler and operates as a state machine performing the gesture processing after every slider sensor measurement. This function uses the timing and motion parameters from the SliderGestureParams data structure:
tSensorGestureParams SliderGestureParams = {
.ui16TouchSampleCount_Min = 3,
.ui16TouchSampleCount_Max = 16,
.ui16SwipeSampleCount_Max = 10,
.ui16DoubleTapDelayCount_Max = 10,
.ui16FingerDistance_Min = 10,
.ui16SlideStepSize_Min = 25,
.ui16SwipeDistance_Min = 50,
Figure 1 shows the state machine states and actions.