SLAAED9 November 2023 TAA5412-Q1 , TAC5311-Q1 , TAC5312-Q1 , TAC5411-Q1 , TAC5412-Q1
The primary diagnostic configuration registers are registers 70 through 74. These registers control which channels are scanned for faults and the thresholds for each of the faults. The first of these registers, DIAG_CFG0 (P1_R70), allows the user to enable or disable diagnostic monitoring on each of the input channels, respectively. Bit 4 of DIAG_CFG0 controls diagnostic monitoring on AC-coupled channels. Although the microphone connectivity can not be diagnosed when using AC coupling, the diagnostics does provide pin-level monitoring of the ADC to determine if any shorts have occurred at the PCB level. Bit 5 of DIAG_CFG0 controls whether the INxM pins are monitored for single-ended input channels. This feature can be useful in pseudo-differential input configurations where INxM is held at a constant voltage but is not grounded. This functionality also can be used if the ground connection is located away from the board or for detecting a loss of ground condition.