SLAAEO3 September 2024 MSPM0L2227 , MSPM0L2228
LCD modules support clearing the LCD memory using a single bit. The LCDCLRM (clears LCDM memory) or LCDCLRBM (clears LCDBM memory) bit is able to clear the entire LCD memory with a single instruction – all LCD display memory registers are cleared at the next frame boundary when LCDCLRM is set. After the memory registers are cleared, LCDCLRM is reset, so LCDCLRM is polled to see when the clear is completed. LCDCLRBM performs the same function and acts in the same way, however LCDCLRBM clears the blinking memory registers.
The clearing functionality is useful for efficiently clearing the whole screen and all memory registers. Therefore, preparation for updating the whole display as code must write only to memory registers that are used in the new display data, instead of also having to manually clear other registers for unused segments.