SLAU132Y September 2004 – June 2021
Open File for I/O
int DEV_open (const char *path , unsigned flags , intllv_fd );
This function finds a file matching path and opens it for I/O as requested by flags.
O_RDONLY (0x0000) /* open for reading */
O_WRONLY (0x0001) /* open for writing */
O_RDWR (0x0002) /* open for read & write */
O_APPEND (0x0008) /* append on each write */
O_CREAT (0x0200) /* open with file create */
O_TRUNC (0x0400) /* open with truncation */
O_BINARY (0x8000) /* open in binary mode */
See POSIX for further explanation of the flags.
This function must arrange for information to be saved for each file descriptor, typically including a file position indicator and any significant flags. For the HOST version, all the bookkeeping is handled by the debugger running on the host machine. If the device uses an internal buffer, the buffer can be created when a file is opened, or the buffer can be created during a read or write.
This function must return -1 to indicate an error if for some reason the file could not be opened; such as the file does not exist, could not be created, or there are too many files open. The value of errno may optionally be set to indicate the exact error (the HOST device does not set errno). Some devices might have special failure conditions; for instance, if a device is read-only, a file cannot be opened O_WRONLY.
On success, this function must return a non-negative file descriptor unique among all open files handled by the specific device. The file descriptor need not be unique across devices. The device file descriptor is used only by low-level functions when calling the device-driver-level functions. The low-level function
allocates its own unique file descriptor for the high-level functions to call the low-level functions. Code that uses only high-level I/O functions need not be aware of these file descriptors.