SLAU144K December 2004 – August 2022 MSP430AFE221 , MSP430AFE222 , MSP430AFE223 , MSP430AFE231 , MSP430AFE232 , MSP430AFE233 , MSP430AFE251 , MSP430AFE252 , MSP430AFE253 , MSP430F2001 , MSP430F2002 , MSP430F2003 , MSP430F2011 , MSP430F2012 , MSP430F2013 , MSP430F2101 , MSP430F2111 , MSP430F2112 , MSP430F2121 , MSP430F2122 , MSP430F2131 , MSP430F2132 , MSP430F2132-EP , MSP430F2232 , MSP430F2234 , MSP430F2252 , MSP430F2252-Q1 , MSP430F2254 , MSP430F2272 , MSP430F2272-Q1 , MSP430F2274 , MSP430F2274-EP , MSP430F233 , MSP430F2330 , MSP430F235 , MSP430F2350 , MSP430F2370 , MSP430F2410 , MSP430F2416 , MSP430F2417 , MSP430F2418 , MSP430F2419 , MSP430F247 , MSP430F2471 , MSP430F248 , MSP430F2481 , MSP430F249 , MSP430F2491 , MSP430F2616 , MSP430F2617 , MSP430F2618 , MSP430F2619 , MSP430G2001 , MSP430G2101 , MSP430G2102 , MSP430G2111 , MSP430G2112 , MSP430G2121 , MSP430G2131 , MSP430G2132 , MSP430G2152 , MSP430G2153 , MSP430G2201 , MSP430G2201-Q1 , MSP430G2202 , MSP430G2203 , MSP430G2210 , MSP430G2211 , MSP430G2212 , MSP430G2213 , MSP430G2221 , MSP430G2230 , MSP430G2231 , MSP430G2231-Q1 , MSP430G2232 , MSP430G2233 , MSP430G2252 , MSP430G2253 , MSP430G2302 , MSP430G2303 , MSP430G2312 , MSP430G2313 , MSP430G2332 , MSP430G2333 , MSP430G2352 , MSP430G2353 , MSP430G2402 , MSP430G2403 , MSP430G2412 , MSP430G2413 , MSP430G2432 , MSP430G2433 , MSP430G2444 , MSP430G2452 , MSP430G2453 , MSP430G2513 , MSP430G2533 , MSP430G2544 , MSP430G2553 , MSP430G2744 , MSP430G2755 , MSP430G2855 , MSP430G2955 , MSP430TCH5E
The USI module is configured as SPI slave by clearing the USIMST and the USII2C bits. In this mode, when USIPE5 = 1 SCLK is automatically configured as an input and the USI receives the clock externally from the master.
If the USI is to transmit data, the shift register must be loaded with the data before the master provides the first clock edge. The output must be enabled by setting USIOE. When USICKPH = 1, the MSB will be visible on SDO immediately after loading the shift register.
The SDO pin can be disabled by clearing the USIOE bit. This is useful if the slave is not addressed in an environment with multiple slaves on the bus.
Once all bits are received, the data must be read from USISR and new data loaded into USISR before the next clock edge from the master. In a typical application, after receiving data, the USI software will read the USISR register, write new data to USISR to be transmitted, and enable the USI module for the next transfer by writing the number of bits to be transferred to USICNTx.