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Any erase cycle can be initiated from within flash memory or from RAM. When a flash segment erase operation is initiated from within flash memory, all timing is controlled by the flash controller, and the CPU is held while the erase cycle completes. After the erase cycle completes, the CPU resumes code execution with the instruction following the dummy write.
When initiating an erase cycle from within flash memory, it is possible to erase the code needed for execution after the erase. If this occurs, CPU execution is unpredictable after the erase cycle.
Figure 7-5 shows the flow to initiate an erase from flash.
; Segment Erase from flash. 514 kHz < SMCLK < 952 kHz
; Assumes ACCVIE = NMIIE = OFIE = 0.
MOV #FWKEY+ERASE, &FCTL1 ; Enable segment erase
CLR &0FC10h ; Dummy write, erase S1
... ; Re-enable WDT?