SLAU144K December 2004 – August 2022 MSP430AFE221 , MSP430AFE222 , MSP430AFE223 , MSP430AFE231 , MSP430AFE232 , MSP430AFE233 , MSP430AFE251 , MSP430AFE252 , MSP430AFE253 , MSP430F2001 , MSP430F2002 , MSP430F2003 , MSP430F2011 , MSP430F2012 , MSP430F2013 , MSP430F2101 , MSP430F2111 , MSP430F2112 , MSP430F2121 , MSP430F2122 , MSP430F2131 , MSP430F2132 , MSP430F2132-EP , MSP430F2232 , MSP430F2234 , MSP430F2252 , MSP430F2252-Q1 , MSP430F2254 , MSP430F2272 , MSP430F2272-Q1 , MSP430F2274 , MSP430F2274-EP , MSP430F233 , MSP430F2330 , MSP430F235 , MSP430F2350 , MSP430F2370 , MSP430F2410 , MSP430F2416 , MSP430F2417 , MSP430F2418 , MSP430F2419 , MSP430F247 , MSP430F2471 , MSP430F248 , MSP430F2481 , MSP430F249 , MSP430F2491 , MSP430F2616 , MSP430F2617 , MSP430F2618 , MSP430F2619 , MSP430G2001 , MSP430G2101 , MSP430G2102 , MSP430G2111 , MSP430G2112 , MSP430G2121 , MSP430G2131 , MSP430G2132 , MSP430G2152 , MSP430G2153 , MSP430G2201 , MSP430G2201-Q1 , MSP430G2202 , MSP430G2203 , MSP430G2210 , MSP430G2211 , MSP430G2212 , MSP430G2213 , MSP430G2221 , MSP430G2230 , MSP430G2231 , MSP430G2231-Q1 , MSP430G2232 , MSP430G2233 , MSP430G2252 , MSP430G2253 , MSP430G2302 , MSP430G2303 , MSP430G2312 , MSP430G2313 , MSP430G2332 , MSP430G2333 , MSP430G2352 , MSP430G2353 , MSP430G2402 , MSP430G2403 , MSP430G2412 , MSP430G2413 , MSP430G2432 , MSP430G2433 , MSP430G2444 , MSP430G2452 , MSP430G2453 , MSP430G2513 , MSP430G2533 , MSP430G2544 , MSP430G2553 , MSP430G2744 , MSP430G2755 , MSP430G2855 , MSP430G2955 , MSP430TCH5E
When the VLDx bits are changed from zero to any non-zero value there is a automatic settling delay td(SVSon) implemented that allows the SVS circuitry to settle. The td(SVSon) delay is approximately 50 µs. During this delay, the SVS will not flag a low-voltage condition or reset the device, and the SVSON bit is cleared. Software can test the SVSON bit to determine when the delay has elapsed and the SVS is monitoring the voltage properly. Writing to SVSCTL while SVSON = 0 will abort the SVS automatic settling delay, td(SVSon), and switch the SVS to active mode immediately. In doing so, the SVS circuitry might not be settled, resulting in unpredictable behavior.
When the VLDx bits are changed from any non-zero value to any other non-zero value the circuitry requires the time tsettle to settle. The settling time tsettle is a maximum of ~12 µs. See the device-specific data sheet. There is no automatic delay implemented that prevents SVSFG to be set or to prevent a reset of the device. The recommended flow to switch between levels is shown in the following code.
; Enable SVS for the first time:
MOV.B #080h,&SVSCTL ; Level 2.8V, do not cause POR
; ...
; Change SVS level
MOV.B #000h,&SVSCTL ; Temporarily disable SVS
MOV.B #018h,&SVSCTL ; Level 1.9V, cause POR
; ...