SLAU318G July 2010 – March 2016
The connection between the MSP-EXP430G2 emulator and the attached target device can be opened with the jumper array J3. This can be useful to access an attached eZ430™ target board by disconnecting the Spi-Bi-Wire JTAG lines RST and TEST or if the JTAG lines are used for other application purposes. The jumper array can also be used to measure the power consumption of the LaunchPad development kit application. For this intention, all connections except VCC must be opened, and a multi meter can used on the VCC Jumper to measure the current of the MSP-EXP430G2 target device and its peripherals. The jumper J5 VCC also must be opened if the LaunchPad development kit is powered with an external power supply over J6 Table 1 or the eZ430 interface J4.
The assignment of jumper J3 has been changed in MSP-EXP430G2 revision 1.5, see the comments in Table 1 to find the assignment for a specific board revision.
Jumper | Signal | Description |
1 | VCC | Target socket power supply voltage (power consumption test jumper) (located on 5 before Rev. 1.5) |
2 | TEST | Test mode for JTAG pins or Spy-Bi-Wire test clock input during programming and test (located on 1 before Rev. 1.5) |
3 | RST | Reset or Spy-Bi-Wire test data input/output during programming and test (located on 2 before Rev. 1.5) |
4 | RXD | UART receive data input (direction can be selected by jumper orientation) (located on 3 before Rev. 1.5) |
5 | TXD | UART transmit data output (direction can be selected by jumper orientation) (located on 4 before Rev. 1.5) |
Jumpers 4 and 5 connect the UART interface of the emulator to the target device pins P1.1 and P1.2. These jumpers can be used to select between a software (SW) UART or a hardware (HW) UART by their orientation. In vertical orientation (SW UART), the jumpers connect the emulation TXD signal to target P1.2 and the emulation RXD signal to target P1.1, as they are used for the software UART communication on the demo application (see Section 3.2). In horizontal orientation (HW UART), the jumpers connect the emulator TXD signal to target P1.1 and the emulator RXD to target P1.2, as required for the USCI module. Keep in mind that UART communication is full duplex, so connections are made for both transmit and receive on each side, and the labeling is specific to what action each side of the UART bus is performing. For example, the emulator TXD (transmit) signal connects to the target RXD (receive) signal, and the emulator RXD signal connects to the target TXD signal.