SLAU319AF July 2010 – September 2022
The BSL version number is a 4-byte array.
Byte1: BSL Vendor information
TI BSL is always 0x00. Non-TI BSLs can use this area in another manner.
Byte 2: Command Interpreter Version
The version number for the section of code that interprets BSL core commands.
Byte 3: API Version
The version number for the section of code that reads and writes to MSP430 MCU memory.
Reserved bits:
0x00 indicates that this BSL API interfaces with flash.
0x30 indicates that this BSL API interfaces with FRAM.
0x80 indicates that this BSL can only execute the following commands:
RX Data Block Fast (and can only write to RAM)
RX Password
Set PC
Byte 4: Peripheral Interface Version
The version number for the section of code that manages communication.
Reserved numbers:
0x00 to 0x2F: Indicates a Timer_A-based UART
0x30 to 0x4F: Indicates USB
0x50 to 0x6F: Indicates USCI-based UART
0x70 to 0x8F: Indicates eUSCI-based UART
0x90 to 0x9F: Indicates USCI_B-based I2C
0xA0 to 0xAF: Indicates eUSCI-based I2C
0xB0 to 0xCF: Indicates eUSCI-based I2C and UART