SLAU640B April   2019  – March 2023


  1.   Introduction
  2. 1Trademarks
  3. 2Equipment
    1. 2.1 Evaluation Board Feature Identification Summary
    2. 2.2 Required Equipment
  4. 3Setup Procedure
    1. 3.1  Install the High Speed Data Converter (HSDC) Pro Software
    2. 3.2  Install the Configuration GUI Software
    3. 3.3  Connect the EVM and TSW14J57EVM
    4. 3.4  Connect the Power Supplies to the Boards (Power Off)
    5. 3.5  Connect the Signal Generators to the EVM (RF Outputs Disabled Until Directed)
    6. 3.6  Turn On the TSW14J57EVM Power and Connect to the PC
    7. 3.7  Turn On the ADC12DJ5200RFEVM/SEEVM Power Supplies and Connect to the PC
    8. 3.8  Turn On the Signal Generator RF Outputs
    9. 3.9  Open the ADC12DJ5200RFEVM/SEEVM GUI and Program the ADC and Clocks
    10. 3.10 Calibrate the ADC Device on the EVM
    11. 3.11 Open the HSDC Software and Load the FPGA Image to the TSW14J57EVM
    12. 3.12 Capture Data Using the HSDC Pro Software
  5. 4Device Configuration
    1. 4.1 Supported JESD204C Device Features
    2. 4.2 Tab Organization
    3. 4.3 Low-Level Control
  6. 5Troubleshooting the ADC12DJ5200RFEVM/SEEVM
  7. 6References
    1. 6.1 Technical Reference Documents
    2. 6.2 TSW14J57EVM Operation
  8. 7HSDC Pro Settings for Optional ADC Device Configuration
    1. 7.1 Changing the Number of Frames per Multi-Frame (K)
    2. 7.2 Customizing the EVM for Optional Clocking Support
      1. 7.2.1 External Clocking Option (Default)
      2. 7.2.2 Onboard Clocking Option
      3. 7.2.3 External Reference Clocking Option
  9. 8Signal Routing
    1. 8.1 Signal Routing
  10.   A Analog Inputs
  11.   B Jumpers and LEDs
    1. 10.1 Jumper settings
  12.   B Revision History

Calibrate the ADC Device on the EVM

GUID-3320C39C-336C-4FAE-8E10-7D95F203DFB1-low.jpgFigure 3-3 Configuration GUI ADC Control
  1. With the EVM GUI open on the PC, navigate to the Control tab.
  2. To calibrate the ADC, click Cal Triggered/Running once, then click it again. This will stop and re-start the Calibration engine.

    This calibrate button executes a calibration sequence that is required for full performance. This calibration is performed automatically during the GUID-A2E0454D-9666-4AC7-B7A2-355927C7E4C8.html#GUID-A2E0454D-9666-4AC7-B7A2-355927C7E4C8 step but must be performed again, any time the sampling rate changes, after significant temperature change of the ADC, or after exiting the power-down mode. See the ADC12DJ5200RF/SE device data sheet, (SLVSEN9) for details regarding the necessary calibration sequence.

  3. To enable background calibration, use the following steps:
    • Navigate to the JESD204C tab and click on JESD Block Enable to stop the JESD204C block.
    • Navigate back to the Control tab and click on Enable Calibration Block to disable calibration and allow setting changes.
    • Click on Enable Background Cal.
    • If background offset calibration is desired also, click on Enable Background Offset Cal.
    • Click on Enable Calibration Block to re-enable the calibration subsystem
    • Navigate to the JESD204C tab and click on JESD Block Enable to re-start the JESD204C block.
    • Navigate back to the Control tab and click the Cal Triggered/Running button once, then click it again. This restarts the Calibration engine.
  4. To disable background calibration, use the following steps:
    • Navigate to the JESD204C tab and click on JESD Block Enable to stop the JESD204C block.
    • Navigate back to the Control tab and click on Enable Calibration Block to disable calibration and allow setting changes.
    • If background offset calibration was enabled, click on Enable Background Offset Cal to disable the feature.
    • Click on Enable Background Cal to disable the feature.
    • Click on Enable Calibration Block to re-enable the calibration subsystem.
    • Navigate to the JESD204C tab and click on JESD Block Enable to re-start the JESD204C block.
    • Navigate back to the Control tab and click the Cal Triggered/Running button once, then click it again. This restarts the Calibration engine.