4.1.3 Nonmaskable Interrupt
The microcontroller has multiple sources of nonmaskable interrupt (NMI):
- The assertion of the NMI signal.
- A main oscillator verification error.
- The NMISET bit in the Interrupt Control and State (INTCTRL) register in the Cortex-M4F (see Section 2.5.3).
- The Watchdog module time-out interrupt when the INTTYPE bit in the WDTCTL register is set (see Section 28.5.3).
- Tamper event (see Section 6 for more information).
- Any of the following BOR trigger events:
- VDDA under BOR setting
- VDD under BOR setting
Software must read the cause of the interrupt in the NMI Cause (NMIC) register to determine the source.